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I keep skipping and I'm sorry

No no no what're you doing?" Jade playfully said to Cam who was giggling whenever she would pull her shirt back off.

"We need to get dressed nanna is on the way and so is Harry and Anne"

"Na-na" Cam babbled and accepted the fact that she had to start getting dressed.

Jade brushed Cameron's hair back in a little bun and put her sandals on when someone knocked on the door.

"I'm glad your here"

"Jade you have 45 minutes till graduation you're not even dressed yet."

"I'm sorry I was getting Cam ready and I straightened my hair but I'll be done soon. If someone knocks open it" jade said and went to her room to put on her dress.

The next knock came as Jade got the dress over her head but her arms were stuck.

Jade scuffled to the edge of the bathroom doorway to see Harry.

"Harry come here for a second" she said twisting left and right to get the dress down.

"Oh m-my god" Harry said covering his eyes when he saw Jades white 'knickers'.

"Harry help me get this on" Harry kept his hand over his eyes and blindly felt for the dress.

"You can look at me" Jade said and Harry kept his eyes on Jades as he pulled the white dress down and zipped it up.

"Your h-hair it's nice straight"

"Thank you" Jade said slipping her feet in some white converse.

"Okay I'm all done" Jade said putting her gown on and harry put the blue cord around her shoulders.

"Wow" Harry mumbled. "I'm gonna start crying harry don't say that" Jade smiled her eyes lined with tears.

"Don't cry" Harry said he was getting a bit emotional too.

"Jade we have 35 minutes" Jades mom said and harry held her hand and they went back to the living room.

"Oh my baby's graduating" she said and they took pictures and everyone got in the car and made their way to the college.

"Do good I'll be c-cheering for you" Harry said kissing her cheek.

"Thank you" jade said and found her seat among the 200 other students.

Harry and the others found a seat and watched the graduation ceremony.

"Iris Santos"

Jade was next and she was nervous beyond reason.

"Jade Scott" Jade went across the stage she could hear Harry and the others rooting for her.

"Now for her acceptance speech".

"Hello Family Friends Staff and Faculty this is not scripted so bare with me. Over the past year I have become a better individual and student among many others. Being able to take care of my daughter Cameron and attend school at the same time was not only challenging but a blessing at the same time....so to make this short I want to thank my mom for supporting me and helping me manage my school and motherly duties. Cameron for helping me stay awake at night and finish my tests" the audience chuckled at that "and I would also like to thank my boyfriend who over the past month has really showed me a different side to everything and has helped me realize that life isn't limited it's what you make it. Final remarks, class of 2017 don't forget where you came from and the people who helped you get here."

The audience cheered and Jade went off the stage.

Everyone went out of the building to the front and Jade came out soon after.

"Oh my god I'm so proud of you love" Harry said lifting Jade for a split second.

Harry had gotten better with the hugging situation.

"I knew I would start crying when I got up there" jade chuckled and held Cameron.

"Were you cheering for mommy?" Jade said and Cam clapped.

"I'm proud Jade" Anne said and so did jades mom.

"Let me get some more pictures" jades mom said (let's just get a name...it's Teresa)

"Mom" jade groaned and Harry held her waist and Cam was mesmerized by the blue cord.

When they arrived at Rios Harry had called and made reservations.

"Oh reservations, fancy" jade teased." "Well you waited for your degree I didn't want y-you to wait for dinner" Harry joked.

"That was corny but thank you" Jade pecked Harry's cheek.

"Congratulations on graduating" the waiter said putting menus on each placement.

Harry pulled out Jades chair...chivalry

"Were you overwhelmed during the ceremony?" Jade said regarding the clapping and cheering.

"No...I just focused on my love getting her degree" Harry pecked her cheek.

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