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"Mumma I did the thing you and dad do"

"Wait what thing?!" Anne said the 'thing' could be a lot of things.

"Kiss" Harry said confused at why she was acting strange.

"Oh...you kissed Jade?" Harry nodded staring at the clock behind Anne which read 6:37 AM

"What did she do?" "Nothing she just tapped her lips with her fingers then cam started crying and calling me da again"

"Well do you like Jade cause you can't just kiss her"

"Yeah I do like Jade she is nice and she doesn't push my buttons"

"Okay so now you should ask her out or take her out to night"

Harry knew Abby had an appointment for today but he'd much rather spend time with Jade.

"Okay where should I take her? I'm not good at girl stuff"

"Take her to Rios" Anne suggested the everyday lunch cafe near the coffee house.

"Okay mumma you have to leave I'm getting nervous" "don't be you'll be fine" Anne said kissing his cheek, which he wiped off cause germs, and leaving the house.

The time said 6:56 harry decided to go early and take her on her break even though he didn't know when it was.

After grabbing his keys and wallet harry went to his car and drove to the cafe.

"Why do you screw up my order I asked for a simple black coffee, soy shot, 3 vanilla pumps, 4 sugars, mango syrup, match powder, coconut oil cream, and edible gold flakes how hard is that to remember?"

"Sir this is not Starbucks you order what is on the menu that's all I made you a vanilla dark roast with 4 sugars but that's all we can make here." Jade said Harry saw the scene in front of him and it angered him.

"You know what" the customer took the lid off and splashed the coffee on Jades face.

"I'm done here" he said and jade went to the back.

Harry punched the guy in the nose when he turned around.

"You broke my nose" he said pinching the broken bloody bone.

Harry didn't stop however until someone pulled him off the guy.

"Don't touch me!" Harry pinched and scratched whoever was holding him.

"Hey let him go!" Jade said her clothes still soaked and her hair damp.

"Break it up!" Jade screamed and the house went mute.

"Get out, everyone, we're closed" Jade said opening the door.

"You too Harry, I'm not in the mood" jade said walking past him and leaning on the counter with her face against it.

"Leave Harry I need to be alone" Jade said and Harry left the shop, not for long.

Jade sighed and rubbed her face turning off the open sign and flipping the door sign to closed.

Jade took off her apron and tied her coffee filled hair up. Her blouse was stained and she smacked her lips.

"Oh why is everything happening at once." She mumbled checking the equipment to make sure it was off.

Jade went through the back door where she met back with Harry.

"Harry what're you doing still here?" Jade said her hand against her forehead.

"I want to take you somewhere" Harry said with a bundle of black floral fabric.

"Not today" "please...you can talk to me about it if you want."

Jade sighed and took the (dress) Harry bought her a few seconds ago.

Jade unbuttoned he blouse and Harry slapped his hands against his eyes.

"Oh my god" he mumbled. "It's just like a bathing suit" Jade pulled the dress over her jeans.

"Okay you can open" jade said unbuttoning her jeans and putting her shoes back on.

"Thank you...by the way"

"Cmon" Harry said and they went to his car where harry unlocked and opened the door.

"You look nice in flower prints." "Thanks"

"Where are you taking me?"

"Rios...are you okay?" Harry said backing out of the alley.

"Uh I'm going through something with Cameron's dad right now so"

"Is he hurting you?"

"Oh no he's not doing that he's just being an ass"

"Don't curse" Harry sighed "sorry" the car got quiet until they pulled in the lot.

The two arrived and were soon seated.

"But what about Cameron's dad?" Harry asked.

"He wants to take custody of her so I'll never see her again."

"You can do that?" Harry questioned counting the water drops on the outside of his glass. 97

"Yeah, he has a fiancée so he had more "support" to keep her with him"

"Do y-you know how to stop him?"

"No I'll have to wait and see what happens"

"I hope you can keep her because I like you guys"

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