Chapter 2

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Cayden stared at me.

And I stared at him back.

What is happening? We're on the floor with him grabbing my arm and staring into my eyes.

His eyes really are pretty.

"Get— get off!" I pulled away. "What the hell?"

"You wanted to jump too." He says.


"Your eyes. They— I see them every time I look into the mirror."

Maybe I shouldn't have stopped him after all. Maybe I've made his life even worse by stopping him.

"So why didn't you let me?" He asked.

He stared into me. Now I see why girls fall for him. His green eyes are absolutely beautiful.

"Would you have let me?"

He opened his mouth but closes it again.

"No." He whispered.

"Why are you trying to kill yourself?"

His eyes moved away from mine. Then he looked again. "Why are you?"

I sighed. "If I tell you one of my reasons, would you tell me yours?"

He nodded.

"Justin Sutton," I said to him. "You know, one of your friends? He cheated on me. With my... 'friend'."

Cayden frowned. "You're worth so much more." He says. "Justin— he's..."

Cayden stops talking and sighs.

"What?" I asked.

"The football boys." Cayden bit his lower lip. "They have this... challenge where the more they can sleep with girls, the... higher your chances of getting $70,000 are from Evan. You know, he's rich. He was the one who started this whole thing."

Knowing that just sent an even harder pang to my heart.

"I guess... you're one of Justin's. And Haylee too. I'm sorry. It's fucked up. If I could stop them, I would."

"The hell you talking about?" I asked him. "You're one of them. Isn't there like a rumor going around that you've slept with at least half the school girls?"

Cayden stared at me for a few seconds. Then he laughed.

Even his laugh is pretty.

"You believe that?" He asks. "Christ, Audrey. I'll be some walking STD if that's true. No thanks."


"Justin spread that rumor." He sighs. "Said that he's helping or some shit. After that rumor sparked, the girls have different reactions. Some of them became even more attracted, and some are like you. You know, avoiding me and all that."

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