Chapter 5

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The first time I met Audrey on that rooftop, I thought to myself. 'I need to save her'.

There's just something about Audrey. Maybe it was her hair, or the clothes she wears, or maybe it's the way she's always laughing whenever I see her. But she's different. I just know it.

The rooftop wasn't the first time I met her, actually.

We were in the same class the first year of High School, and she dropped her eraser. Coincidentally, I was sitting beside her and I picked it up for her.

She gave me a toothy grin and from then on, I could never forget about how I've made that girl's day just by doing one small thing.

After driving Audrey back home, I threw my bag on the sofa, took a bath and got ready to sleep.

Just when I was about to close my eyes, my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID, half groggily.

"Yes, what is it, Cynthia?"

Calm your nipples and hear me out first.

Cynthia's my sister who ran away from home a long time ago. Since then, she's learned to live alone and started her own cupcake business somewhere in Australia. No one in my family knows that I know her location or what she's doing. She's 25 years old now and currently lives with her boyfriend of 6 years.

"How's everything, lil bro?"

"Quite alright," I replied her. Aside from the fact that a few minutes ago, I was so ready to take my own life away. "How about you? How are you doing?"

"Fine." She sighs. "So, when are you coming to visit?"

"Um... maybe... soon? I'm not sure. Cynthia, I want to sleep, alright. Thanks for calling, though."

"Aw..." she whimpered. "Fine, fine. Goodnight, Cayden. Your sister loves you."

"Of course she does." I joked. "Well, bye now."

I ended the call and plopped on my bed again. The truth is, my family is really tight on money right now. My dad's spent almost all of it on gambling and my mom... I don't even know where my mom is.

The only reason I could afford to pay my school fees and whatnot is because of Dylan. You know, my best friend of 9 years. The reason why I wanted to end my life.

His family is loaded, but of course, I never told my parents because if not, Dylan would suffer as much as I do.

To add on to the loss of money, I do street fighting. And boy, do they pay you massively.

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