Chapter 5

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She looked up in confusion but from that force that she struck the person with , her vision was blurred, she stood up and ran back up the stairs , her vision cleared as she got to the stairs only to find Ben at the top " hey there sexy" he said looking down at her before his focus shifted to the two behind her "Shit , you lets go" he said as he grabbed her hand and pulled her up to the top and ran with her to her room as he closed the door behind them " Crystal , go and turn on the TV " he said as he stood against the door to block it "why should i , there is no use for it " she said as she paced in her room "JUST TURN IT ON !" he yelled as she ran over to her TV and turned it on as she was immediately sucked into the TV , Ben ran over to the TV but the door was broken down before he got there. He stopped and slowly turned around as he leaned on the TV "Oh hey it's you two.....wonderful " he said in a grumpy voice

Jeff : Yes you little sorry excuse for a fucking elf !

BEN : Oh you want to go split face

LJ : You two stop it this instant we have a bigger problem then your fight, where is she ?

BEN : Who your mother , sorry she is unavailable at the moment , please leave a message after you are done being a retard

Jeff : Says the one without a family

BEN : Says the one who killed his family

Jeff : At least i had the dignity to kill them quickly

BEN : Pfff what do you know about dignity

LJ : Says the perverted elf

Ben : Shut up cone nose

Jeff : That name actually fits you Lj

LJ : Now hold the phone on who's side are you on anyway pale fuck

Jeff : Pale fuck, kind or rich coming from a monochrome jack-in-the-box clown with a white face

LJ : oh that is it you are dead !

Jeff : bring it !

*the two get into a fight that you would expect from Ben and Jeff*

Ben used the minor confusion to sabotage the TV so that it can't be used by them if they try to enter his world , he then turned to them as he smile "You shouldn't have done that " he said looking at them "You sneaky fuck you turned us against each other !" they yelled as he saluted them and disappeared into thin air "Oh Slender isn't going to like this" LJ said "I hope he has insurance " Jeff said as he stood up "Who BEN or Slender " LJ asked as they walked back down to the door. "Both of them" he said as he started laughing.


She appeared in a world similar to that of Legends of Zelda , she walked around a bit trying to find any source of life but was unsuccessful so she kept on walking through the strange videogame-like world as she admired the beauty of it but as she walked two hands came around her mouth as the hands slightly moved her head to look towards the source of the hands as her eyes widened "Hello my dear , ready to have some fun" the figure said with a devilish grin

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