~Chapter 21~

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„Taehyung what are you doing?!" I asked him confused.

„I know that you're drunk and I also know that you're going to regret everything you did tomorrow." he sounded mad, but I was also mad. „What? Are you my babysitter? I can do whatever I want and I wanted to kiss Chanyeol"

„Then why all of sudden him?" he was rather hurt than mad at what I did. „You were also just kissing some random girl! so why can't I? Am I not allowed to?" I talked really fast and was hard to understand, but Taehyung luckily did understand every word I sad. „What are you talking about- wait are you jealous?" After realizing what I just said, he started smiling widely. He was way too happy about what he just heard.

„Let me go now!" I yelled and kicked around so he would let go of me.

„No" his smile disappeared and he held my wrist even tighter than before.

Taehyung's P.O.V

„Let me go now!" she yelled at me and tried to kick me somehow. „No" I tightened my hold on her wrist.

Mina was really drunk so i couldn't just let her go, what if she kissed someone else? I know it's none of my business but when i saw how she kissed Chanyeol, I have to admit, I got pretty fucking jealous. Also she's definitely more safe with me than with anyone else.

„So do you want me to kiss you?" She tried to sound cute and it made me cringe.

Damn she definitely had too many drinks.

„No thank you." I looked away.

„But I want to kiss you Taehyungie"

„I said no Mina!" I yelled angrily.

„Please TaeTae" she said and I didn't want to keep listening to new nicknames she'll come up with if I didn't stop her now.

I looked into her eyes.

I hate how she makes me feel and how difficult she makes it to say no to her awkward request. Also her uhm not very bad kissing...

I stared at her and thought for a moment.

„What's wrong Taehyung?" her voice finally sounded normal again.

„Stop it! I'll do something I'll regret and you too!" I yelled once again. „I don't care about any of it, just do it Ta-" she couldn't finish her sentence because I pulled her into a kiss.

I know I'll regret it but I'll probably never have this change again.

She returned the kiss immediately.

She put her arms around my neck and pulled me closer to her. I put my arms around her waist. The kiss turned into a very passionate and deep one.

It went on like this for way too long, we both were breathing heavily.

But we didn't want to stop.
I tried lifting her up without having to stop kissing her.

Surprisingly I was able to walk out of the bar and bring her home like this, I took her to my house, because if her mom would see her in this condition right now, she'd definitely kill her and me...

at my house

„Why are we here now?" She said after she pulled away from the kiss.

I took her with me to my bedroom.

Mina started smirking and said „you really want to do it with me?" she winked and I laughed at the sight of it.

I'll never be able to delete this image out of my brain.

„nope, you go sleep now"

„Why? You don't want to do it? Do you not like me?"

„you know that I like you, but you're drunk"

„No, I'm not that drunk" she crossed her arms.

Due to the way she talked and how drunk she was, I knew that she'd pass out any moment anyways.

„Alright, but let me change first, just wait in here for me." I smiled at her and she widened her eyes.

„I knew you'd want me" she said excitedly.
But the moment I walked outside, I locked the door behind me so she wouldn't be able to escape.

„Why did you lock the door?" She yelled.
„Go to sleep now!" I yelled back.

„Yo you lied to me! That's rude."
I laughed to myself and walked downstairs, ignoring the drunk woman in my bedroom and waited for the others. They were probably going to be drunk as well and can't stand properly and I'll have to help them, like everytime we go out to drink.

Mina will eventually fall asleep in the bedroom and I was sure of that. But I didn't think that Mina would become like this, as soon as she's drunk. It was really unusual seeing her like this and I definitely prefer her usual self.

I heard the door open and it was Jungkook, like expected, he was drunk and couldn't walk properly, so I helped him walk up the stairs.

„Where's Rose?" I asked him, trying to make sure he didn't leave her somewhere alone. Because drunk people are unpredictable.
„home" he answered. „Have you done anything bad to her?"

„What do you mean with bad?" He grinned and I looked at him annoyed. „Jungkook I'm being serious."

„I did nothing. Never under the influence of alcohol my friend." Sounds like he still funtions well enough, to still have human decency. I'm glad all of my friends don't turn into monsters when they're drunk.

end of P.O.V

I woke up in the morning and had a bad headache.

What happened yesterday night? And where am I? I tried to open the door, but it was locked, what the-

I knocked loudly on the door and yelled „Let me out!"

Finally someone opened the door and it was Jin?

„Ah hello Mina" he smiled at me.

„What am I doing here?" I asked him confused. „Tae told me that he took you home last night because you were way too drunk to function properly."

„And why am I locked into his room?"

„He didn't tell that party. But I'm sure there's a good reason for it"

„I sure hope there is."

I walked downstairs and saw Taehyung sitting on the couch while doing something on his phone.

„Morning" I said awkwardly and he said it back without really looking at me. „Uhm can i ask you something?" Henodded his head.
„Did something happen between us yesterday night?"

Taehyung started laughing:"No what do you think?" my face turned red at his reaction.

What were you even thinking Mina!


„It was just a question calm down"

Taehyung didn't want to tell me the truth, because he thought that I'd probably hate him if he'd tell me about it and that it would just make things awkward.

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