~Chapter 23~

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Next day

I waited in front of the school building, in hopes for someone I know to appear, since Ana and Nini weren't going to come today.

Suddenly someone hugged me from behind.
„Hey" Chanyeol said and I greeted him back.
„Did you miss me?" He asked and I was confused. „Huh?"

„I mean, after what happened last saturday night if you know what I mean" I turned around to see him winking at me.
„Wait, what do you mean?" I asked him confused.

„Don't act like you don't remember" He grinned and now I was even more confused.

„I really don't, I'm sorry."

"Don't be shy" he smiled at me and touched my right cheek with his hand.
„What the hell are you talking about Chanyeol? I'm really confused right now."

"You stole a kiss from me first, so I have to take it back" he grinned. Excuse me what?

„You probably thought that the girl who kissed you was me, but I'm pretty sure that it wasn't me, I've never done anything like that" I said while taking a few steps back because Chanyeol started walking closer towards me.

„You're seriously so cute Mina, acting all shy and stuff" My back touched the wall and Chanyeol leaned in closer. I closed my eyes, scared of what was about to happen and then like expected, I felt his lips on mine. I tried to push him away but I couldn't. He was kissing me but I didn't kiss back, I was in shock. I only saw Chanyeol as a good friend, nothing more.

Taehyung's P.O.V

Jimin and me went to school. I finally decided to tell Mina about Saturday night.

In front of the school I saw something I never expected to see again.

Mina and Chanyeol kissing.

I was shocked and hurt.

Finally I accepted the fact that I like her and that's what happens.

Probably Karma for bullying her

„Uhm, I'll go to the restroom really quick" I said without waiting for a respond from my friend.

I ran towards the restroom, tears filling my eyes.

I'm so weak and embarrassed for crying about something like this.

That's why I never wanted to fall in love.

F**k love

End of P.O.V

After a while I was able push him away.

„What on earth? Chanyeol?!" I yelled at him.

„Don't say you didn't like it" he grinned.

„I didn't like it! Have you ever heard of consent?!" I was so angry, thats just gross. Why is this always happening to me? I saw jimin and ran over to him.

„Whats wrong Mina? You look concerned" He asked.

„Nothing" I tried to change the subject. „where's Taehyung?"

„Why? Do you miss him?" he joked, but I wasn't in the mood to joke around.
„What? No, just asking."

„He went to the restroom"

After school

Taehyung was quiet for the whole day and just stared blankly into the world.

„Are you alright Taehyung? you don't look well." I asked him concerned.

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