~Chapter 37~ End

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Someone interrupted us during our make out session.

„Excuse me" someone said.
I didn't hear the person at first and i think Tae didn't hear the person as well because we just continued what we were doing.

The person started tapping on Tae's shoulder.

„Hello? Can't you hear me?" The person said louder.

Tae stopped kissing me and glared at the person who just interrupted us.

Tae:"What's the problem?" he said annoyed.

Mr. Bottles:" It's not allowed to make out in such a public place, it's just so disgusting" he said with a disgusted face.

Tae:"Just because your love life is shitty doesn't give you the right to ruin ours" he said grinning. He quickly grabbed my wrist and led me through the dancing crowd, to another place.

Me:"You'll probably get detention because of what you just said" i laughed.

He stopped in the halls where no students or teachers were. It was dark and quite, normally i would find it creepy but because of the fact that Tae was with me, it didn't bother me at all.

Me:"What are we doing now?" i chuckled.
Tae:"Being alone and hopefully not getting bothered by a teacher or a student"
Tae:"I just want to be alone with you for a moment" he said and looked deep into my eyes. There was a silence between us and everything around us was quite as well, while we stared into each others eyes.

He pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back, which made him tighten the hug.

I was so at in this moment and no one could ruin it.

We stayed like this for a very long time until we heard a sound of fireworks, which was coming from the outside. I pulled away from the hug and then we both ran outside the building holding hands.

All the other students were gathering around the place outside, looking at the fireworks.

It was beautiful.

Tae:"Beautiful" he said and i nodded in agreement. But i didn't know that he wasn't staring at the fireworks, but he was staring at me.

Tae:"Mina" he suddenly spoke.
Tae:"I love you so much" i smiled at his words and kissed him.

Me:"I love you too Kim Taehyung"


Please read:)

Here comes the story to an end, i really (J-)hope you liked and enjoyed the story. I will someday edit the story and correct all the grammar mistakes.

Not a special ending i know, it's just that i didn't know how to end a story and that's why it took so long to update. I always changed the end.

I wanted it to be special but it turned out like an average end of a FF, i'm sorry.

I will do a book 2 to this story. If you have ideas for what should happen in book 2, you can write a comment here.

Also sorry for not doing any (deeper) smut, i'm just really bad at writing it and it turns our very cringeworthy and weird. Maybe in book 2, who knows?;)

And THANK YOU ALL for always supporting me and motivate me with your cute and funny commentsalso Thank you for the votes❤️

You can still vote for the story and i would really appreciate that, if you haven't yet.

I'm already writing on a new book and i have no idea what to name it...
I will publish the first chapter soon, so stay tuned:)

I already told you guys a few chapters ago that i'm writing on a story, but it isn't that one, because for the one i told you about, i kinda lost motivation.

The new book will be a TaehyungXReader FF and there will also be a lot of Jungkook moments inside, so if he's your Biaswrecker;)

This was all i had to say, thanks for reading those informations:)

Bye for now~❤️

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