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Chapter 6

In the middle of the night , I woke up and went downstairs. I saw the light from the fridge on. It was Hannah, she frequently eats in the middle of the night, but don't tell anyone.

"Hannah," I said quietly.

It wasn't Hannah. It was a vampire. The vampire flew at me with all jer fanged-furry. I screamed as she toppled on top of me and tried to sink her fangs into my flesh.

Then I felt like my skin was on fire. There was blackness at the edge of my vision and I was screaming.

Only I wasn't screaming. I was growling.

Luke came out from my room and saw me. He looked confused until he relized it was me. He saw the vampire that was on me next. Suddenly there was a brown wolf next to me ripping the blonde vampire off of me.

I got up and charged up to the vampire and grabbed her blonde head with my teeth and shook her like a rag doll. I heard her scream and enjoyed it.

John and Nikkita came out from the end of their hallway. They saw us and smirked. Luke then grabbed the edge of the vampire and pulled. It was like tug-of-war. I really enjoyed it, and the vampires screams. When the vampires head was separte from her neck did I stop.

I looked at Luke and went up to him. 'Did you enjoy your first wolf experience?' It sounded like Luke.

I blinked and Luke was in human form, in full glory. I layed down with my paws over my eyes.
'Gosh Luke! I'm only 18! I don't need to see that!'

He laughed. His laugh was wonderful! "Leslie," said Nikkita. "Do you know how to change back?"

No, I did not. I shook my head no. John nudged her. She got me some clothes and took me outback.

Once I had changed back, I went inside to Luke in my bed. Again.

"Please tell me you are dressed under there..."

He smiled and nodded. I breathed out a sigh of relief. I walked over to him and layed on him. Content enough to sleep...

My wolf mateWhere stories live. Discover now