A raging war begins

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Chapter 5

Luke carried me all the way back, bridal style, and kept me smiling. He walked through the door and put me down on my feet. Hannah came in and sniffed in. "Someone got marked," she said in a singsong voice. Trey followed. "My bestie is getting so old," he yelled in a girl voice. I smacked him playfully.

They went back inside and Luke walked into my room . He sat on my bed. "This is my room," I said quietly.

"Oh so you are assuming its all yours?" Luke asked.

"Well I was here first," I said. He suddenly wrenched me out of my chair and swung me onto my bed. He kissed me and whispered, " I'll go find my own room then."

I put out my lower lip, he sighed. "Fine ,I'll stay" I laughed at him and fell asleep with him holding me.


The next morning I woke to screaming and barking. I quikly got up and relized Luke wasn't there. Where was he? Another scream. It was Joanna's. I ran down the steps and saw the couch ripped to shreads and blood all over the floor.

What had happened? I saw Luke scream something and then change to his wolf form. A lovely brown.

Then darkness.

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