⚡️Chapter 1⚡️

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Halloween 1981

    Lily and James huddled over their sleeping one year old who was dressed as a hot dog. While Lily had set her ketchup and James' mustard costumes on their bed.
     Suddenly, there was a loud noise downstairs. It sounded like the door had been ripped off of it's hinges. Lily picked up Harry who was still asleep while James took off towards the door. Lily stood in the doorway of her son's room with her sleeping child in her arms.
     James bounds back to his wife with someone on his tail. His best mate Sirius ran along behind him. Lily smiled widely at the two  boys. When they reached where Lily was standing, James took Harry from Lily's arms and made room for Sirius to give her a bone crushing hug.
     After the hugs and hellos, Remus came through the open door and joined the rest of the group. Harry ended up in Sirius' arms and Peter had found his way over to the group that had migrated to sit by the fireplace.
     When everyone had arrived, Lily called the groups focus with "Hey, I have an announcement to make. Well rather, we have an announcement to make" she spoke gesturing to James.
"Go on then, Lily." said Peter
"Okay, so we've actually had this announcement before, and it was very well received then, still is I think. What I'm trying to say is we, ehh, I'm pregnant"
"THIS IS AMAZING, LILY!" Sirius said happily.

Halloween 1982

     As a frantic James tried to chase down a two year old Harry, Lily picked up her youngest son, Evan. The younger boy had her hair, and her nose, and James' eyes, unlike Harry. The front door opened revealing Remus and Sirius. The two raced to find Lily and the little boy they had yet to meet. When James had rangled his rambunctious son, the two joined the other in the small boys room.

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