⚡️Chapter 13⚡️

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(At the Potter residence)

     I walked with Draco to the front door as Evan walked ahead of us. When everyone was inside, mum announced that she had made dinner and we were all to sit at the table. I sat in between Draco and Evan with mum and dad sitting across from us. As everyone served themselves, we talked like we had seen each other yesterday. Evan told mum about Oliver, and Draco and I talked to dad about quidditch. As everyone finished putting food in their plates the conversation halted slightly so we could eat. Draco looked slightly uncomfortable at the half in conversation so I put my hand on his leg. He relaxed completely. Evan has told me about some things about Draco's home life. It's not a good story. As we all ate the conversation died completely so I didn't move my hand from his leg. It seems as though he appreciated it.


I looked over at my brother who I noticed has his hand on Draco's leg. I wonder if he knows I can see them?  He probably doesn't notice anything when he's near Draco. That gets pretty annoying. But I guess it's cute. I wish Cedric thought of me the way Harry and Draco think of each other.

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