⚡️Chapter 9⚡️

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      I sat and hummed until Harry rested his head on my shoulder. That didn't take long. He looked tired. He usually looks tired. But he has this smile that can melt the arctic. I put my arm over his shoulder. He looks almost small. It's odd. But nice all the same. I feel his arm snake around my waist. His hands are stronger than mine. His moves slowly to rest his head in my lap. He looks up at me and smiles his melting smile and his eyes are falling quickly. I move my hand into his hair and pet it gently until he falls asleep. It doesn't take long until the broad boy is asleep with a grin on his face. I had never noticed his eyelashes before. Or his eyebrows. I must remember to thank his parents, for him. His unkempt jet black hair is soft and thick. I have also noticed he has a few freckles sprinkled over his cheeks and nose. He looks so peaceful.


     As I looked up at Draco I noticed things I hadn't before. His platinum blond hair falls perfectly down his face. It doesn't stand up at all. I feel his hands in my hair. It feels great. We are looking everywhere but each others eyes. We usually only look in each others eyes. I feel him shift slightly underneath me.


     Draco moved is face down towards Harry's and pressed his lips to the green eyed boys forehead. As Draco moved to sit back up slowly, Harry moved his lips to meet Draco's. The two boys kissed. Harry moved himself to where he was sitting upright, and facing Draco. The two kissed for a while.

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