⚡️Chapter 7⚡️

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     We sat across from each other for a while. We waited for Evan to come back to the compartment. He hasn't been back for about 10 minutes. I don't think he'll be back for a while.
     I swiftly moved to sit on the same side of the compartment as Draco. He shifted closer to me. After a few seconds, he began humming a song I had only ever heard him talk about.
"How are you?" I asked quietly, trying to hear him hum.
"Good, how are you?" He replied, then continued humming.
"Trés bon." I said switching to French.
"Vous êtes déjà mieux en français que moi, pourquoi continuez-vous à pratiquer?" He asked.
"Je ne pense pas que je dois pratiquer. Mais j'aime bien vous parler en français parce que personne d'autre ne comprend ce que je dis." I responded.
"D'accord, c'est doux. Donne moi une minute." He said, blushing madly.
"Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?" I asked.
"Rien. Ce que vous avez dit était vraiment très doux." He said grinning wildly at me. His eyes glittered as he spoke.
     I wasn't lying about why I continue to speak French to him, I just left some things out. The whole reason is because he smiles more when he speaks French. He laughs more when I speak French. He doesn't like it, but he'd be kiting if he said he didn't prefer to speak French than English. It's not because he doesn't know how, he just stumbles more in English. With French, it rolls out of him elegantly. It's beautiful to watch.

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