⚡️Chapter 18⚡️

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     Harry and I sat on the bench kissing for what felt like forever. What I hoped was forever.
"Pensez-vous que vous pourriez venir chez moi chez moi? Des mamans font du poisson et des frites," I said pulling away from the kiss breathlessly.
"I have to wait for Evan, and walk him to the hotel, but after I can convince my mum to let me go," He replied.
     We sat on the bench discussing random things in French and English alike. When Evan came out of the museum with Cedric I pointed the pair out to Harry. He kissed me goodbye and walked towards Evan and Cedric.


     Draco asked me to meet his family. I mean it shouldn't be a big deal. He's met my family. But he's hardly talked about them to anyone other than Pansy and Blaise.
     I say a quick hello to Cedric and escort Evan to the hotel as quickly as possible. Evan walks quite slowly which is a bit annoying, but not a big deal. It's more so because I want to get back to see Draco so we can hangout before we go to his home.
"Hello, boys. How was the museum?" Mum asked as we walked into her room.
"It was great." Evan stated dreamily.
"Hey, mum can I go to Draco's for dinner? I saw him while we were out and he invited me." I asked
"Of course, love. Have fun." She answered.
"Thanks, mum." I said
"Are you doing anything tomorrow?" She asked.
"No, why?" I responded
"I was just wondering if we could all do something together."
"Oh, alright." I said walking towards the door.
     When I got to the small café Draco and I agreed to meet at I saw him sitting in the window. He looks so good.

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