⚡️Chapter 12⚡️

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(While Evan was waiting outside ohh the compartment.)

     My friends and I sat in the compartment across from the Potter's and Malfoy. I saw Evan walk out of the compartment and stand at the door. We looked as though he were waiting for something. As he stood there, I noticed his eyes sparkle in the passing sunlight. He is gorgeous. I wish I could stare at him all day. No. I have a girlfriend. I don't like him like that. We are just friends. I can't take my eyes off of him. I can't help but notice his amazing freckles, or his incredible jawline that could cut me like a knife. I wish I could just kiss him. No. I have a girlfriend. I do not like him like that. I can not like him like that. We are just friends. Well why can't I stop looking at him then? I don't want to look away because it feel like I might miss something. Everything he does is so perfect and beautiful I don't want to miss a second of anything he does. Is that normal? God. I don't feel this way about my girlfriend. He probably doesn't even like me. I think he is dating Oliver Wood. He wouldn't fancy me anyway. Oh shit, he waved.
     I waved back and smiled. We locked eyes for about a second or two and I felt home. But I have a girlfriend. We are just friends. I don't like him like that. He's in a relationship with someone else there is nothing I can do about that. But Merlin, I wish there was.

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