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It's Halloween. It's one in the morning, and I'm crying. This happened nearly every night before bed, if I even go to sleep. The other day I broke the mirror, not because of my looks. I am fairly decent I will admit, long black hair with piercing blue eyes... Average chest, lanky body, and heavy bags under my eyes. People ask if I wear makeup because of how pale I am, I respond, "No... No, I'm just pale, I don't go outside much but..." They leave faster than a angel's kiss.
Mrs. Harvey had me pass out candy with my bandaged hand, and the parents look at me with concern before I slam the door shut. They knock as ask for me to come out, and after a little while they leave. Mrs. Harvey says, "Bonnie... Go out there and greet them, give them your pretty smile and wish them to be careful."
I respond, "But they'll get hurt wether I wish them or not, they'll trip, scrape their knees, and bounce on with their mummy's hand patting them on the back. It's stupid the way they depend on a person."
Mrs. Harvey looked at me with a soft glare, before whispering, "Are you not depending on me right now?"
That alone left me stunned. I felt all of my insides drop faster than stone inside of my body before the knock on the door snapped me back into my awful reality.
I am depending on her, I'm guilt ripping her to take care of me.
I'm horrible. I'm a filthy leach who can't take care of herself.
At the end of the night she gave me a caramel apple. It was a Granny Smith. My mum used to make those all the time for me when I was a kid. I would only eat the caramel, but once I accident bit into the apple I fell in love. I bursted into tears after being handed the caramel apple, and Mrs. Harvey hugged my shoulders and comforted me. She told me, "Everything was going to be okay, and nothing was going to go wrong."
I'm still crying about it, and I'm amazed how many tears a person can produce. My eyes are heavy and I've ran out of tears to shed, my throat feels raw and swollen as I scribble words into a piece of paper.
Was it right to turn towards Mrs. Harvey for help? I don't know... I hope I was right.

Bonnie Gray

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