| Let's Do The Dew |

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   "Hello neighbor!"

   I couldn't help the annoyed-anxious sigh that escaped me when I heard his voice.

I turned on the couch and grimaced as Dan stepped out of the sliding glass door and onto the deck.

   He looked different from yesterday, he was of course wearing different clothes, a pair of basketball shorts and a plain black t-shirt, but his hair was combed a little more and his skin seemed a little darker in the evening light.

   I hadn't stopped thinking about him since he spotted me on my roof.

   I rolled my eyes at him as he stood in front of me.

    "How'd you get in here?" I asked as I stretched quietly.

    "Your mom was happy to let me in," he grinned and for the first time I noticed freckles dotting his nose. It some how made him even more irresistible.

   "Psh," I scoffed and pretended to check my nails.

    "Move over lazy bones," he lifted up my feet and sat down, and placed my feet back on his lap.

    I tried not to blush when his hands grazed my bare ankles and then my feet.

    "What do you want?" I asked, taking my feet out of his lap because it was frankly uncomfortable.

    It was getting dark and I heard my mom flip on the little white lights that hung over the deck.

Dan flashed me his grin– which was quickly becoming his thing in my mind.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out the biggest joint I'd ever seen.

"How?" I asked as he handed it to me and I looked at it.

"I don't usually smoke joints, I usually use this but," he said as he showed me a dark blue glass-blown pipe that was honestly awesome.

"I figured this would be a better peace offering," he shrugged.

    I held it under my nose, taking in the very fine quality herb's scent.

He only grinned again as he handed me a Bic lighter.

   I lit it and took a long drag, enjoying the feeling of the tobacco free paper in between my pointer and middle fingers.

   I never liked the wraps with tobacco, they just ruined the experience and it was also pretty shitty for you anyway. But I'd really only tried a backwood cuz that was what Rob liked and they tasted terrible.

   I suddenly wondered how he'd known to get these. But the thought was gone fast as the high set in.

    "Don't be shy, give it a pass," Dan teased.

    "Ah ah, you don't get to come over here, bribe me, and then expect me to be all friendly." I tsked playfully as I took another hit.

   Before I could say another word he had already taken the joint straight from my lips and put it to his own.

    He took a really long hit and my eyes widen as he pulled it away, some smoke coming through his nose as he tilted his head back, closing his eyes in obvious satisfaction.

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