Chapter Twenty-Five - Heartbreak Recovery

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Once the week finish up, Autumn started discussing her goals for me to achieve each week. I had to admit, having her help me through this was making me feel better each passing day.

The second week, she had me remembering memories. It consisted of the sappiest love movies such as Everything Everything, The Fault In Our Stars, The Notebook, and etc. We also ate a bunch of junk food. Some tears were shed but not a lot as I watch the movies. One part had me stuffing a bunch of Cheese Balls in my mouth to fill the ache in my chest as I watch the couple cuddle with each other.

"I miss when I actually had someone to keep me warm at night," I say mournfully.

"Well you have me now."

"I love you and all, but that would have only worked if we were both guys. How many times must I tell you this?

"Yeah, I know. I know. We were both failed in life. Why couldn't we have been boys?"

"I know their blessed in live. I mean it would be way easier to pee in public bathrooms if we were a guy, since they got a penis. Seriously, all they got to do is pee and shake, whereas we females struggle to squat over toilets to piss.

"Right. Then they don't have to try as hard to look good, because hardly anyone cares. It's excepted from them to not put in much effort."

"Ugh, I hate the male species. I swear off on them."

"How many times have you said that in your life?"

"Not enough times for it to be true," I say while stuffing gummy worms into my mouth.

"Hey you still can commit to your bi- curious experience. Maybe then you'll finally be able to swear off men because you're going to be like Katy Perry talking about "I kiss a girl and I like it."

I chuckled at her while throwing a pillow at her that she easily dodged. "Shut up, that shall be coming up in the future."

"Suree it is.

"Whatever. That's not the point. That point is for now on I hate the male spices, and that we both failed in life because we weren't born guys. It preventing us from ever achieving couple goals." I said to her teasing.

"Oh the tragedy..." she said before looking up with me with a spark in her.

"You know what," she said as she paused the movie, "This calls for some Beyoncé singalongs." It hit me what she wanted to do, and I couldn't hold back the gigantic grin that spread across my face, when I finally understood her idea.


"It's a little too late for you to come back. Say it just a mistake think I'll forgive you like that. If you thought I would wait for you," I sung

We both came in together to sing the last line. Excitement took over my body as we finish the last few verse. It's nothing a little Beyonce couldn't fixed.

"I have to confess my undying love for you right now," I say to Autumn before engulfing her into a bear hug.

"I know. What's not to love?"

"Please, stop being so modest," I say while rolling my eyes.

" I know," she says before we continue to finish our long movie marathon.

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