Chapter Fifteen- Broken Promises

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For an hour I was left alone to replay the last conversation I had with Stephen. How could he say that? After everything we've been through...

       My thoughts where then interrupted when my mother came rushing into the room to engulf me in a hug

"You're alive," she sighed out in relief.

"Mom, I maybe under the influence of IV right now, but I can still feel pain."

"I'm sorry, it's just you've been unconscious for three  days, and I didn't know if you were ever going to wake up again. You could have easily been stuck in a coma for months. I'm just so happy you're alive," she said with tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"I know. I know." I trailed off thinking of all the things that could have happen. The doctor interrupted my train of thought as he enter my room to discuss my condition.

"Okay, so the accident left you with a bruised ribs, a sprain arm, a few scratches on you face. We had to stich you up with 42 stitches. The glass cut you deep in you abdomen and you lost a lot of blood. You're lucky that it didn't puncture anything fatal. Other than that, you may have a bit of a concussion, so we advise that you don't move around too much. We'll have her release forms ready, tomorrow, if you'll like to take her. However, we'll like to keep her overnight to do some additionally testing to make sure her vitals are working correctly. Also, we prescribe her some pain medication to help dull her pain, but I can't make any promises if it will help. Does she have any allergies we should know of?

"No, she's only allergic to nuts."

"Well then, I'll just leave you two to chat. Please press the help button if you need anything." As soon as the doctor left the room, I turn to my mom.

"Where's dad?" I asked curiously.

"He's flying in from overseas honey. He should be here by tomorrow."

"Oh okay."

"We were so worried for you. Gosh, I always told you I don't trust you being in the cars with teenagers.

"It's not his fault, mom."

"I know, but maybe a more experienced driver would have been more likely to avoid this situation."

"Stop mom. Just stop. Stop trying to come up with false illusion that there was anything that could have been done to prevent this. It happen okay, and all we can do is wait for me to heal and place the blame on the person who hit us," I said with exhaustion and irritation lacing my voice. I was tired of everything right now, and the last thing I wanted was to argue with my mom. However, the fact that she was trying to place the blame on Stephon upset me.

"We're suing. You could have died."
"But I didn't."

"But you could have," she said with her voice breaking. It was then that the tears she were holding back finally unleashed.

"Mom, please don't cry." I begged. I rarely see my mom cry, but when she does it sort of unnerve me. I sat their uncomfortably for a few minutes as my mom tried to regain her composure.

"No you don't understand," she finally said while sniffing, "I thought my nightmare was about to come true when I got that call. It's bad enough when a child has to bury their parent, but its worst when a parent has to bury their child," she said in a croaked voice.

"I know mom. I know," I said in torment.

"Don't you ever put me in this situation again?" She said while looking at me with pleading eyes.

"I can't make no promises." I reply back giving her a weak smile, and frankly I couldn't because promises were always meant to be broken.

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