Forgotten Whims

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I hadn't really thought of you
Until just now when my thoughts
Wandered to the strange, naive
person I was three years ago.
And I wonder if you've ever
Stopped to think back on me.

I can't say I was ever really
A part of your life but part of me
Hopes that maybe some bit
Of who I am stuck with you;
Nothing much, just maybe
A word, a quirk, a smile.

At this point I'm not sure
That you knew how much I used
To think of you constantly
But I guess here it is: I did.
And maybe you did know and
Didn't care, but I like to think not.

For when I saw you last
You were full of life again -
Full of sorrow and pain,
But maturity grew over it
And you're more the person I
Thought you were when we met.

Rather, you seem to me now
To be the person I thought you
Could be when I first turned around
In that history class and ever so
Awkwardly introduced myself
To you, the new kid, smiling.

And now, now you've grown -
Of course I don't mean physically,
You've always been tall, but
Now you walk tall, confident.
I can't pretend that I knew you -
you never gave me the chance.

But some part of me hopes that
Maybe now you'll see in me
What I always saw in you; but
More than that, I wanted to know
You. If you'd only let me I would
Have been there. So let me now.

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