Irony of a Fiction Writer

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Somehow I'm that character
that's always there,
always patient;
and when the person they love
is loved by their friend,
they step back, even though
it kills them.

And they have a remorseful
kind of resolution
where they can be happy
for two people they love
but now that i'm fairly sure
i'm that character,
it's not happily ever after.

It's a knife in my chest,
wedged deeper and deeper
with every smile, every lie,
every time i put their feelings
above mine because
after all, isn't that what friends do?
Isn't that what we're told?

It looks heroic.
It doesn't feel that way.
I feel naive. And pathetic.
I don't think I'm a pushover
but here I am, swallowing glass
so they can be happy;
she smiles with him
while I bleed and swallow it.

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