Part Two of Chapter One ~ Christopher's POV

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Alright guys! Part two of chapter one! I would like to dedicate it to @Luv_Da_Arts for an amazing job on the cover! So stunning! Be sure to use her covers! I highly recommend her!


Christopher's POV

My damn alarm clock woke up. I didn't realize it was the first day of school, again. My family is always moving. Why do we move you ask? Because I'm a big scary werewolf. Just like the rest of my family.

My dad is the Alpha and my mom is the Luna. Everytime a Alpha dies or resigns, my dad is reassigned a city to be Alpha there. Now, instead of him being an Alpha in Minnesota, we are here in this tiny city called Russellville. Leaving Minnesota wasn't bad. It's not like I had any friends there. I didn't even find my mate or even imprint on a human. Imprinting is when your mate isn't a werewolf. Sometimes that happens. It happened to my oldest brother Damon. He spent years trying to find his mate. He finally met a girl at his restauraunt he owns and operates. You know if she's a human or not by her scent. Well, Stella his now wife and mate was a human. He said when you look at her for the first time, you want to be her everything. You want to be her brother, her lover, a friend whatever she wants you to be. He said once you feel that, you see her future and past like its a video. Then, after that you feel the regular sparks as if you're mating. When your mate is a wolf, you only feel the sparks.

I just wish I knew what my mate was. Was she human? Or werewolf? My dad said the new school might be good for me. I might actually have a chance on finding her. I pray to God she's a wolf. Because if she's human, she won't understand, get scared and run away from the big bad wolf. That's exactly what I'm afraid of. None of the girls will understand. I'll be lonely forever. That's why I drink, smoke and do all this other crazy shit. Because I'm hopeless. At least I'm not the only one still looking for my mate. My twin sister, Danielle and my older brother Adam will be going with me today.

"Christopher, get up honey!" My mom said.

"Alright." I said getting up and out from my bed.

I put on my usual dark jeans, my black converse, a simple t-shirt and my black leather jacket. I examined my tattoo of a crescent moon my left wrist. It's probably the only thing I did that was bad that my parents actually approved. My dad got one just like it. It kinda symbolizes us as a pack. In fact, all my brothers have a crescent moon somewhere on their body.

"There you are." Danielle grunted.

I growled back at her.

"Look, I don't want to go to school today either." She said in a whisper.

"Yeah! Nobody does!" I said. I could feel my yellow wolf eyes coming out.

"No shit Chris!" She growled. Her green wolf eyes were coming out.

"Then why are you so damn excited to go there today?" I yelled.

"Because dumbass! Adam, you and I might actually have a damn chance on finding our mate. Doesn't that make you the slightest bit happy?" She yelled.

"No! It doesn't at all! If our mates are human, they won't give a fuck about us. In my case, they girl will end up running away from me. In your case, the guy will think you are a psycho bitch." I said.

"YOU TAKE THE BACK YOU ASS." She screamed. Okay, maybe I went over board calling her a psycho bitch.

"OKAY!! FINE. I'M SORRY! Is that better?" I said in a calming voice.

I went over and gave her a hug. I hated being a werewolf. It brings out the bad in me. I don't like hurting my twin sister.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"It's ok. I know you're stressed." She squeezed back.

"Hey hey hey! You guys ready for Sophmore year?" Adam said as he came down the stairs.

Danielle and I just starred at him.

"Okay then." He said grabbing the box of Cherrios.

"So what's up your ass? I could hear you the whole way upstairs." He asks me.

I just give him a look.

"Nothing." I whisper.

"Still pissed You haven't found your mate yet huh?" He asks.

"Yep. Bingo." I say.

"I see." He says.

"Hey kids." Dad said.

"Hey." We all said.

"Ready for the day?". He smiled brightly.

"Yeppers." Danielle responded.

"How about you Adam?" Dad asked.

"I'm pumped for senior year." He laughed.

"Haha I bet. How about you Christopher?" He look at me.

"I guess." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Ok." My dad said with a sigh.

"Alright guys, we need to get moving." Adam instructed.

"Ok kids. See ya. Off to the Pharmacy." My dad said brightly.

"Bye Dad." Danielle said giving him a big hug along with Adam.

"Bye sweetie. See ya son." He said.

He was waiting for me to go over to him. So, I gave in.

"Bye." I said hugging him tightly.

"You just wait son. Your mate will be there with you in no time." He patted my back.

"I just hope so." I said.

He winked at me.

"Okay guys, let's get going." Adam said.

We all got in the car. He started the engine.

"Off we go." Danielle said.

I just rolled my eyes. More like, "off to staring point of my shitty life" is more what I thought.

We drove for a couple of miles until we finally got to the actual school.

"Here we are. Russellville Area High." Adam sighed.

"Wow. It's really big." Danielle exclaimed.

On the sign outside of the building, it read "Welcome To Russellville High! Home of the Rams!"

Yeah, more like welcome to HELL.


Hey guys! I hope you liked Christopher's POV. Next chapter will be both Emalee's and Christopher's POV.

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Love you all,

-juicyluci xo ❤ :]

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