Chapter Two ~ The New Kids

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who made covers for this book

Hey guys! I would like to dedicate this chapter to all the people who made covers for this book. Even if I didn't use them for the actual cover, they can be seen throughout the story! They are amazing :) ❤

Enjoy the chapter!


Emalee's POV

"Ah, back at Russellville High already." Veronica sighed.

I still couldn't believe it was the first day of school.

"I feel like I was just here 3 months ago." I laughed.

"Haha I know! Let's just hope it flys fast." She laughed.

"I agree." I said.

"So, did you hear we are getting a new kids this year?" She said while she was walking.

"Who are they?" I ask curiously.

"Well, they are all brothers and sister. The Banks Family." She responded.

"What grades are they in?" I asked.

"The oldest one is in 12th, then the other two are in our grade. I've heard they are twins." She said.

"Oh." I responded.

"Look, over there is the oldest one. His name is Adam." She directed her eyes in his direction.

I glanced at him. He seemed like a nice kid. Many people were already swarming over to greet him.

"There's the girl twin. Here name is Danielle." Roni said.

She was pretty. Tall, thin and had beautiful eyes. All the boys will want her and every girl will want to be her friend.

"Horpfully we can show her the ropes." Roni said.

"I wouldn't mind that." I said. I actually wouldn't.

I kept trying to find her twin. I looked to my left, behind myself, to my right and practically everywhere.

"Where's her twin?" I asked Veronica.

"If I were you, I wouldn't want to go near him." She gave me a serious look.

"Why?" I questioned her.

"He's bad news from what I've heard." She whispered.

"In what way?" I asked. I'm actually starting to get worried about this new kid.

"Oh you know, the usual. Smokes, drinks, has been arrest couple times, DUIs, etc, etc," She said.

Wow. How can he not be in Juvinile? Maybe he is...

"So? Doesn't mean I can't still at least introduce myself." I said.

"Look Emalee, I know you have a good heart and like to try to be kind to everyone but trust me. Once you make contact with him within 15 feet, you won't want to 'introduce yourself' to him." She said.

I just gave a her look.

"Ok, whatever." I said rolling my eyes

Christopher's POV

Great. Now it's just me and Danielle. Adam's already making new friends. I looked around to the faces I would be seeing for the next 10 months of my life. Nerds, sluts, jocks the same typical high school people. Just as I'd expected.

"Just think, our mates might be in this crowd of people." Danielle nudged me.

I just scowled. I doubt it.

I looked over at this group of girls. I saw this one blonde. Danielle told me her name was Veronica Evans. Apparently, Veronica was going to help Danielle around the school. I looked at the girl walking next to her. I couldn't see her face, just the back of her body.

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