Book rating #7

9 1 0

User: umhimorgan

Book: 365 Days of Being a Sophomore

Hello, Alyssa, I am here to rate your awesome book like you messaged me to do. So here we go. I will do an normal rating because you didn't specify  which level you want so I think you will be happy with this one! Have a nice reading. 


- Color - Very colorful I like it

- How beautiful it is - It is very beautiful, I love how you put a review on the top so you get a  chance to draw your readers more into the story. Clever

- Celebrity - None- 

- Font and color - Font is simple yet very fitting, I am loving the baby pink touch that shines in your font. Good choice. 


- Grammar errors - You are very experienced, you are using very smart words that replace other words that I don't even know of, you work with commas and dots pretty well. But as far as I know, word "and" and ", (comma)" do not work together very well. If you are going to combine them together put it like this: "We talked about our lives, our desires and wants in life and, our goals..." is the correct way.  Another thing; "The air was thick with intimacy and fun as we stared into each others eyes..." is the correct use of " 's". And when you finish writing their line what they have to say, you don't put dot, you put comma, something like this: "Well I've only ever been in one relationship, so I wouldn't have anything else to base it off of," I mumble..." It the right way. 

- Spaces between paragraphs - They are good. 

- Expression - As I said before you are using amazing adjectives to decorate your book and I really enjoyed in reading it. I couldn't stop reading that I forgot to vote. But one particular word stinged my eye. Teeny tiny <--- naah, don't. I feel like it really brings down the chapter this word takes place. If you can change it, if it was your intention to put it there, then leave it. But I feel like it should really be replaced with something far more clever that will actually fit with the rest of your book. 


- Interesting - I am guessing that is the actual line in the story, I have read it and it fits the story, sorry, a diary of a spohomore girl. You stayed on the track with your summary. 

- How much does it say - Well, it doesn't particulary say anything like : "Come in, she is a broken hearted girl" Etc... Its a simple summary that drawned many people in to read your story. 


- Interesting - Even though this story is about her describing what she feels and how she sees him after he hurted her it is interesting beyond my expectations. 

- Intriguing - Sure, I was dying to know how it all fell apart between them. From that great love to nothing at the end. 

- Stick - Yeaaaaaah! 

- Boring - Nope.

Explanations - are huge, they are embracing everything that has to do with a persons existence, I enjoyed reading it. Explanations are overwhelming me, even though one chapter is about one thing like: Eyes, Lips, stuff like that but you really made an effort in it to keep it interesting as you opened on part of her and him at the time. 


- Introductions - And here it is, you didn't introduce me with her. Maybe because it doesn't matter or whatever, I still don't know how she looks, I only know she is in a great pain because of the break up. You did tell me her name, that is okay. And him, he is everywhere. I hate her dad.

- Flaws - her flaw, as you mentioned and I managed to catch it, she is a drinker. I don't know if she is a contant one but I get the feeling that whenever she feels down or too depressed she reaches out for the bottle of whatever. And as for him, I get the feeling that he is a player, wanted only to break her heart because later on in the story I can see that this break up does not affect him as it affects her. 

- Detail of their look - I still don't know how she looks, I just know she has pale cheeks, but I guess that is not as important as the message you wanted to give to people. Detail of his look is mentioned in each chapter step by step. I really like that. 

- Past - Past about them is mentioned in each chapter. That is good. And that is, honestly, the only past I want to know. 

- Opinions - She is constantly in her mind, thinking about the time when they were together. Which is absolutely normal if I take the fact that she loved the boy with all her might and human being. I can see she is a smart girl caught in the web of a broken heart and dispair and she doesn't seem to break free out of it. Her inability to break that continuous circle is a state of her mind where she is stuck in the time while they were as one and, she really needs to find a way to break it and be free from heart ache.  

Why does the dad always have to be the bad guy? 


- Long - ish, but no matter that, words and chapters slide underneath my finger so easy. 

- Enough of informations -Yes

- Interesting -  Yes


- Long - It's okay, yes. 

- Boring - No. 

- Good -  Yes it is good. I am rating on the part where you actually start the story. I know you had an idea in mind to share who are you, what inspired you to write this book but me, as me, wouldn't do that. Maybe you can do a Prologue and then as an A/N you can put everything you have. But it is okay. 


- Will be posted once book is finished. 

So here you go, Alyssa, I hope you enjoyed reading this and continue with your awesome book! Okay? 

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