Chapter 4

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Say You Love Me

Chapter 4

Cover Edit: @whaleitsaaron || IG




I woke up to Aaron shaking my arm.

"The doctor should be here in a few minutes." He said.

I nodded my head and sat up. I reached over for the glass of water someone had sat on the table next to me. I took a sip and then grabbed my head. I get a headache every time I sleep during the day.

My foot was still propped up on Aaron's lap. I can't believe he had sat still that long.

"Is your butt numb yet?" I asked sarcastically.

"It's lost all feeling." He said smiling.

I tried to move my leg so he could get up, but a sharp shooting pain went through my ankle.

"Ow!" I yelled.

"No, it's okay Riley, don't try to move, you'll hurt yourself!" Aaron said.

I layed back down and just stared at the ceiling.

I really want pain medicine, but the nurse said that they'll give me some later. I was tired of waiting though.

There was a knock at the door and the doctor walked in.

"Hi Ms. Riley, I hear you have an ankle injury." He said.

"Yeah." I said not really being in the best mood to talk.

"What happened?"

"I was at the park with Aaron. We were swinging and I jumped off. I landed on my ankle and it's been hurting like crazy ever since." I explained.

"Well, first things first. We need to get you some pain medicine. Then we need to take a few x-rays, and maybe get you a cast. Then you should be good to leave." He told us.

"I'll be right back."

Then he left.

After about 10 minutes he came back. But when he walked in he had a wheel chair.

"You're going to have to ride in this down to the x-ray rooms."

The doctor slowly helped me into the wheel chair, I kept yelping in pain.

"Would you like me to push it?" The doctor asked.

Before I could answer Aaron cut in.

"I got it."

The doctor led the way as Aaron wheeled me out of the room. Our mom's followed.

Gosh. I really hope we get out of here soon...

When we got to the x-ray room, the doctor gave me some water and let me take some tylenol before he did the x-rays. Aaron and our mom's left the room so it was just me and the doctor.

He lifted me up on the table and told me to be as still as possible.

He started clicking all the buttons and took about 5 x-rays.

After he was done he lifted me back into the wheel chair and wheeled me out to Aaron, Becky, and my mom. Now we had to go back to the room and wait for results.

I layed back down on the bed, but this time I just let Aaron sit in the chair next to me.

"I think me and Becky are going to run down to the cafeteria." My mom told us.

"I'll stay here with her." Aaron said.

"Ok, do you guys want anything?"

"Yeah, a Cheerwine and a piece of pizza." I said.

"Same." Aaron told her.

They left the room and I just layed there.

"You doing ok?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said.

"I'm so so so sorry."

"Aaron, stop apologizing. It's not your fault."

"Yes it is." He said. "It was my idea for the jumping contest. If I wouldn't have said that we wouldn't be here right now." He said.

"Aaron, it's not your fault. We jump off the swings all the time. Please don't blame yourself."

"I just want you to be ok."

" I'm ok, I promise." I said.

We just smiled at each other. Then I sat up, leaned over and hugged him.

"It's not your fault." I whispered.

Becky and my mom walked in right while we were hugging.

"What's going on in here?" Becky asked smiling.

We both quickly pulled away.

"Nothing." Aaron said looking down. "Did you bring the food?"

She sat a bag with takeout boxes in it on the table. Then my mom sat down two large drinks.

"Thanks mom." I said smiling. She brought me my box and sat my drink down.

I ate my pizza and drank my Cheerwine hoping that the doctor would have results soon. I really wanted to know how long I would be in a cast.

Just then the doctor walked in with a "bad news" look on his face...

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