Chapter 2

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Say You Love Me

Chapter 2

Cover Edit: @whaleitsaaron || IG




I woke up at 11:54am realizing I only had like and hour before me and my mom had to go pick Aaron and his family up at the airport.

I quickly got up and ran into the bathroom. I washed my face and put some light makeup on. Then I straightened my hair and went back to my room. I changed out of my pj's into a black tank top that said "City Lights" on it and some denim skinny jeans. Then I put on my black vans and went downstairs. My mom was cooking breakfast so I sat down at the table and checked the time.


Me and my mom ate breakfast and then got in the car. As we were driving down the road, I got a text from Aaron.

"Hey Mom, Aaron says that they just landed." I told her.

"Ok, tell him we'll be there in 5 minutes."

So I texted Aaron and told him.

When we finally got to the airport, I saw Aaron and his mom through the window. I got inside and ran up to him and gave him a big hug. Then I hugged Becky and Aaron's brother and told them how much I missed them.

We all got outside and piled into the car. The car ride was full of very loud talking and laughing. I had to sit in the middle of Aaron and his brother.

Once we got home, we walked to the door and my mom opened it and turned the lights on while I told everyone to stay back. When they all walked in, the look on their faces was priceless...

Aaron's jaw dropped and he just ran up and hugged me as tight as he could. We hugged for what felt like hours. Then he hugged my mom and thanked us.

"You guys are so sweet." Becky said with a big smile on her face.

"So, we have cake!" My mom said running into the kitchen.

She walked back out with a giant cake that said "Welcome Home!" Like the banner.

"Wanna go ride our boards to the park?" Aaron asked.

"Sure, let me go grab mine." I replied.

Me and Aaron both had Penny boards and we always ride them to the park. I always keep mine in the garage so I went to grab it.

Me and Aaron rode all the way to the park talking and laughing along the way.

"So how was your trip?" I asked when we were about to the park.

"It was great! After Magcon, we visited my aunt that I haven't seen in forever! It was nice." He explained.

"Cool!" I smiled.

We were at the park at last. Once we picked up our boards we ran over to the swings. Me and Aaron always have a competition to see who can swing the highest. He always wins but it's fun anyways.

"I'll beat you this time!" I yelled at him as I hopped up on the swing.

"Oh no you won't!" He yelled back.

We started swinging and kicking our feet until we got pretty high. Of course Aaron was higher, but I didn't mind.

After we were swinging for a minute, Aaron said

"Wanna have a jumping contest?"

"You're on!"

We both jumped at the same time. Aaron landed perfectly, except I think I broke my ankle...

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