Chapter one

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Everything happens too fast.
Kit's childhood went away too fast.
His father went away too fast.
Kit's ideas and opinions went away slowly though, it's considerably hard to change his mind. Emma Carstairs claims it's because of his Herondale bloodline, making Kit cringe.
He is not a Herondale.
He will never be a Herondale.
Kit Rook will always be Kit Rook, even if Rook isn't even his real last name.
So this is where Kit is living, two weeks after the murder of his father and the almost murder of himself, in the institute. That day still rang in his ears. The iron smell of blood, the demon's screeches, the inhuman way of dying. The falling to his knees in front of the boy who had almost killed him.
Kit thanked the gods that Will hadn't been there.
Oh, if you didn't know, Kit has a brother named Will. And they are Demi-gods.
Kit doesn't know what to think of himself. He's someone with the blood of Apollo, an angel, and a human. He was a freak of nature. Kit didn't know why he was so surprised. His whole life was a series of 'guess what Kit, you're not human'. Another ground shaking reveal shouldn't have bothered Kit this much. It wouldn't have if it wasn't nephilim blood in his veins. Perhaps he could handle being told he was part satyr or elf, but shadowhunter? He'd been told all his life shadow hunters were more demonized than Kronos and Luke Castellan.
Secrets were what kept Johnny Rook alive for years. Now it was Kit's turn, keeping the secrets of his father's and his own. Camp half blood would never leave his lips on institute grounds.
The nephilim couldn't know about camp half blood. Never.
Everyone was making it hard for him.
He couldn't just leave and escape to camp half blood like he wanted too.
No, he had to stay and live out his destiny of out witting Jace Herondale.
Kit would prefer any prophecy over that one, though he suspected he could do it.
The room they had placed him in was a clean and mostly empty one, with just a white bed and draw for clothes and a bathroom with yellow walls.
It would never be home.
Kit pictured his camp half blood room as he lied on the wooden floor. The soft snores of his cabin mates, the smell of Hyacinthus's, and the medical bandages that reined everywhere.
Kit pictured Annabeth, Piper, Percy, Leo, Nico, and the rest of his friends walking around the camp, getting ready for a Bon fire. Kit ached to be back there, with his brother Will.
But running away was not a good idea right now. Kit learned that the hard way when he ran off to the shadow market. Let's just say Julian didn't like Kit before, and he especially doesn't like Kit now.
A soft and cool breeze blew over Kit's freckled nose. The smell of night by the ocean was salty, cool, and misty. Kit has goosebumps up his arms, but he didn't move.
For one glorious moment, everything was peaceful.
Then someone knocked on his door.
Kit let out a sigh. "What?" He called.
"Ty." Ty answered.
Kit opened his eyes.
Since Kit has been here, Ty, the boy who used him as a hostage to get answers from his father, has been talking to him a lot. Sometimes, Ty would just walk beside or sit next to Kit. Not talking, but listening to music on those headphones of his.
Livvy, Ty's twin and body guard, was also eager to befriend Kit. Kit had noticed no one else expect their immediate family and a few kids older than them live here. It's no wonder they want to be his friends.
Kit stood up and opened the door, to come face to face with black hair and silver eyes boy.
"Hey." Ty said, not looking Kit in the eyes. It still bugged Kit when he did that.
Not because he wanted Ty looking at him....
But Kit had come to learn Ty doesn't do that because he doesn't think people aren't worth looking at, it's something else.
"Hey." Kit said back and went to sit in his spot.
Ty stared. Kit blinked. "You can come in."
Ty exhaled and sat down near, but not too close, to Kit on the floor.
"What are you doing?" Ty asked. "Thinking of running away?"
Kit snorted. "You ask me that too often."
Ty then looked at him and smiled a little. "You can't blame me. You tried do run away last week."
Kit looked away. He didn't want to talk about this to Ty.
Instead he said: "So what's up?"
The first time Kit had said that, Livvy had to explain to Ty he wasn't actually asking about the ceiling. But now Ty looked smug because he knew what Kit meant without having to ask.
"Nothing." Ty said. "I just wanted to make sure you weren't running away again."
Ty was so blunt that it surprised Kit sometimes. He'd never met some as truthful as Ty. Maybe that's why Kit likes Ty better than the other shadowhunters. Ty wouldn't lie to him.
"Where would you go?" Ty asked suddenly. This time he looked Kit straight in the eyes. It was the face he made when he wanted the truth. His dark eyes brows furrowed and his silver orb like eyes assessed your face for any changes in your expression.
Kit didn't answer. He looked towards his window and thought
Somewhere you wouldn't believe

Kit Rook is the son of Apollo. And a Herondale.Where stories live. Discover now