Chapter 10: How Could This Happen...

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I drive straight home and straight to my bed and cried myself to sleep looking at old photo's of him pinned on the white walls, on my desk surrounded by fairy lights. It was such a perfect life we had together but it was too good to be true. The phone rings loudly out of nowhere. "Hello?" i ask the unknown number. "Hi I was just letting you know that Shawn Is in the New York Presbyterian Hospital after there was a shooting in central Manhattan". My face freezes in shear shock, I drop my phone. A single tear of fear that I would lose him, drops to the cold hard ground there is a sudden chill that rings throughout my body. There is complete silence for quite a while. Then I have to get moving, I grab as much as I need for a night over at the hospital. Get in my car and get straight to the hospital. On the way there I'm trying to calm myself, to be honest I'am worried sick, what if he doesn't make it I would never even get to say goodbye or anything ever again...

I run straight through the doors, the waiting room was completely silent until i came in. Everything is a light blue colour and jarrah wood coloured. I try to keep myself calmer than I was in the car. I walk to the front desk and ask "is there a Shawn McCall here?". "sure I will look it up" the nurse said in the softest voice possible. I stand there agitated tapping my keys against the counter, interrupting the 'dead' silence. "He is in the emergency room right now, but he has just come in so he will be a while" she says. "Is he ok?" I ask getting more and more worried about him. "you'll have to wait if you want to see him, please take a seat" she says kindly, while I stare blankly into her blue eyes. I start walking to the chair, with a blank look on my face. It's still silent. I sit still, like a statue, thinking if his injuries were permanent? or what I'm going to say to him?

After half an hour of waiting, I tried to calm my nerves by pacing myself in the corridor waiting for something to happen. I called mom just to say that I wouldn't be coming home tonight because Shawn is in the hospital. Waiting for his doors to open I got more and more stressed, I'm almost running through the halls. After another hour of waiting theres movement through the doors. I go straight to the desk again and ask the same thing like I did before. "room 23 second floor" she says softly, "thank you" I say. I run straight to the elevator and click 2nd floor. No one else was in the elevator and I try to keep it together so I don't look like an absolute mess. I see him through the window. How peaceful he looks. I slowly walk in, the door quietly squeaks but not enough for him to wake up. I look at him and go right to his side. I put my hand to his face, "my Shawn can't die, I won't let that happen, I won't" I say quietly sobbing to myself. I come in closer and sit next to him. I sit on the floor trying to be as close to him as possible. All of the memories of us come rushing back to me. I cry even more. It kills me to see him this way. Tubes, and needles were stuck in him, so many I didn't even think it was healthy. "You needed me and I'am here, here when you wake up, Shawn" I say still talking to myself in a very low sad whisper. "Wake up Shawn, I can't see you die here, not without living your life, not now" I continue crying trying not to let it all out yet. After an hour sitting on the floor beside his bed I sit in the seat right next to him and fall asleep...

The sun shines through hospital curtains, I look at the time on the clock it says 6:30AM. I get right over to Shawn just to check up on him. "Hey?" I say knowing that he wouldn't reply but said it anyway. I turn around to pack my things in my bag, ready to stay another night if it's really needed. "hey?" I hear this faint sound coming from behind me. At first I'm confused, who said that? I turn around and it's was Shawn trying to smile up at me, my face lights up like the sun after a rainy day. I kiss him straight away and hug him too. Tears of joy are flooding from my eyes. Shawn is crying from seeing me happy again. "I'm so happy you're alive" I start crying. He wipes the tears from my face. "I'm so happy I get to see you smile again" Shawn says while smiling happily at me. My heart fills with joy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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