Chapter 2

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I woke up to screaming, Weds was crying because it had been four hours since she last ate. My dreams usually consisted of me burning but this time, it was Faith, my sister screaming, burning because she was related to a witch. You can always tell the difference between a vampire and a witch, for example, vampires have one elemental ability, while witches didn't have a elemental at all usually.

Tess was a vampire and was really hungry, because she hadn't eaten in three days. Blood I mean, she needs it a lot. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as Tess tried to soothe Weds. I looked over at El who was staring at that darn photo crying. Johnson was muttering

"Where's the damn light switch in here?"

Tess gestured absently towards the wall behind me, I turned and flicked the switch, nothing happened. John cussed. El wiped her eyes and stood, putting the photo into her back pocket.

"I think theres a Woolworths down the road, me and Ash could go and see if there's any baby formula, or some bloody meat?"

El hardly talked but I guess even she got annoyed by the crying and screaming that could eventually get us killed. We were hiding in an abandoned dentist office, in Melbourne, the buildings had fallen and been emptied for a while so we didn't expect soldiers, but you never know, there is still a big chance that a patrol could come around and find us. John was talking when I tuned back in

"-bring me some fruit if you can, or crisps, well chips, potato chips and-"

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah old man, we get it, bring what we can carry, we've done this before"

It was true. El and I both go food hunting, whether its animals or pre done in packets, we got it. It was easy enough til you see a human family ravaging through the mess and they scream or try and fight you for the food. The screaming hurts mainly because soldiers are still around, not many but it only takes a bullet to injure a vampire, kill a witch or slow a werewolf so we try to avoid it.

I stood up and stretched, while El opened the nearest window to the street, peering out to see for danger, instantly her hand twitched in pain. she winced and drew back. I walked toward her, slowly. She looked up and shook her head.

"Cramp, nothing to worry about"

I narrowed my eyes, scanning her. She tallish, with a nice figure and bright green eyes. large in the bust and hips but even portioned, her eyes complimented her long brown hair with golden chestnut highlights. If she wasn't so mysterious about that photo and her background, I might admit she was cute.

"Whatever, just hurry up and crawl through it, it's clear"

She glared at me and shoved me away from the window, heaving herself up through the small gap, hitting her back slightly as she stood. I quickly crawled through and shut it, telling Tess I'd tap five times when we were back. El and I then proceeded to walk down the east end of the street being carefully not to get caught or step on anything like a mine. Yes, humans still put landmines in the streets because they don't realise some of us have the power to sense dangerous objects. I looked around at what used to be a busy road, full of traffic, that now stood silent and broken. Cars filled the streets and dead bodies were still around here, not man but some.

I decided to strike up a conversation. "So, where did you say this Woolies was?"

El scrunched up her face, obviously confused by the fact that I was being nice for once. She sighed. "Just up here. I've been here before, well two streets over but still here"

I smiled, Melbourne was a pretty big place, I don't know how she remembered that she'd been here. "Yeah, Melbourne's nice enough, I wish I could of seen it when it wasn't three landmines away from-"

I didn't finish my sentence because I'd been tackled into a hole. I realised, El was on top of me, holding me down. I went to push her off when I heard an explosion. My ears rang, and my vision clouded over. El was panting, scared-looking. She looked at me and muttered an apology before getting off me and peering over the ditch she'd pushed me into. I stood up and dusted off, a small pain in my right leg.

I whispered "What the hell? Did you step on a mine?"

El turned and glared. "No, you did. You were going to step off it so I pushed you away from it"

"But it didn't go off as soon as you tackled me off, it should off"

El looked down, then mumbled. "It was a delayed one, just be a little more careful"

I was so confused. Those mines were never delayed. They were top shape but  dropped it and thanked her. She was pretty strong for a smaller-than-me girl. I looked up as El dragged herself from the ditch and pulled my self up after her.

El opened her mouth but I cut her off "I know, we should keep going" She turned and walked onward to the supermarket. I started after her, but quickly glanced back at the mine, gasping slightly. the hole was a perfect circle, like someone had contained it, but as far as I knew El couldn't do that, especially without looking at the area in need of containing. I turned back to her, watching her figure sway slightly, wishing I knew her secrets. I sighed then ran to catch up to her, slowing when I was in line with her. I wish a lot of things, but the rain starts when I do wish for things.

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