Gah! Sorry for the long time no update! I’ve had a hectic few weeks and it’s been a bad weekend. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! :)
Chapter Quote:
“Chances are sooner or later, we are gonna end up behind bars or buried in a ditch somewhere. But not today.”
~Dominic Toretto in Fast Five
___________________________________________Chapter 3
Dom and Letty let me and Brandon take the day off since apparently they didn’t have much business planned for that day. Brandon decided to go hang out with some of his friends from college. I chose to stay home and sleep. Well, I planned on sleeping. The sound of my mother’s voice talking to someone downstairs, obviously a male, caught my attention. Curiously, I snuck out of my bed and tiptoed downstairs. I peered around the wall just enough to where I could see what was going on but also just enough to where I most likely wouldn’t get caught spying. I could only see my mom hustling about the kitchen cooking breakfast and I could hear the guy talking but I couldn’t see him. I wondered who he was. His voice sounded familiar. My mom had always said she would never date another guy after my dad, but secretly I wanted her to. I hated seeing her so alone and I always worried about what would happen to her after I left home. I know we’re very family oriented and she would always have Dom and Letty, but I still worried about her. Dom had Letty, Roman had Gia, Tej liked being alone. My mom would be all by herself; it made me feel guilty.
“Here, why don’t you sit at the bar and I’ll call Ember down for breakfast,” my mom said. Knowing she’d come to the stairs, I started to scramble away. Unfortunately, I seriously misjudged how fast it’d take my mom to get to the stairs.
“Were you eavesdropping?” she queried with a grin.
I gave her a sheepish smile. “Just wondering who was down here.”
“A customer of your uncle’s. A Jason Stark. I invited him for breakfast. Go get dressed.”
“Crap…” I thought to myself, but I nodded to my mother and dashed upstairs, throwing on a pair of white shorts and a baby blue, spaghetti strap shirt that made my eyes a startling blue. I put on minimal makeup, just enough foundation to cover up blemishes and to hide the dark circles under my eyes, and mascara to make me seem more awake. After that, I went downstairs. The aroma of bacon and pancakes filled my noise, causing my stomach to make a very unladylike growl.
“Thanks for breakfast mom,” I said, sliding into my chair at the bar, trying not to blush when Jace looked over my way. Turning to him, I greeted, “Hi Jason.”
“Hey Ember. I came by to say thank you for helping fix my car,” he said with a sincere smile.
“You’re welcome,” I said as sweetly as I could.
“Here you go sweetie,” my mom said as she handed me my plate. She smiled at Jason as she gave him his. “So Jason, are you working or going to college?”
“I’m attending UCLA for a business degree,” he replied.
“Oh that’s what Ember did. Are you enjoying the classes?”
“Yes ma’am, they’re pretty great. Some of the stuff comes really easily to me, other stuff doesn’t. Ember was actually helping me on some of it yesterday.”
“Did she help you understand it?”
“Yes ma’am, and I’m not just saying that because she’s right here.”
“Glad I was of help,” I remarked.
“What year are you in?” Mom inquired further.
“I’m in my last year. I graduate soon thank god.”

Fast & Furious: A Legacy's Daughter
FanfictionEmber Toretto-O'Connor is forbidden from street-racing and watching it. She sneaks out and watches anyway, sticking to the shadows and not talking to anyone to avoid people founding out who she is. She starts falling for one of the top racers in t...