Chapter 33

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Chapter Quote:
"Thought you could leave without saying goodbye?"
~Brian O'Connor, Fast and Furious Seven

Chapter 33

"I can't believe it's you," I breathed, holding my dad's hand in the hospital room as I waited for the rest of my family and team. Jace stood outside, giving the two of us privacy. After shooting Lynch, the adrenaline my dad had been running on disappeared quickly, and he collapsed on the spot. Jace and I rushed him to the hospital, letting Hobbs and Dom know what we were doing. We didn't tell them who, however. I thought we'd surprise him with that.

"I'm so sorry, Ember. I'm sorry I couldn't get to you," my dad whispered, his blue eyes welling with tears. "I'm sorry I never called you back."

"Why didn't you?"

"How could I face my daughter and tell her I failed to escape and come back to her and her mom? How could I tell her that I hadn't been able to rescue Jack from Lynch? I felt like a failure..."

"You could never be a failure to mom or to me. Besides, Jack is safe. He's in pretty bad condition right now, but he's going to be okay. I even talked to him, you know. He's going to be ecstatic when he finds out you're here. Not at the hospital, I mean, but alive. He's feared the worst since we hadn't heard from you. Although I guess you probably know that's what I meant. I'm rambling, aren't I?"

Dad smiled. "I missed your ramblings. I missed you. Words can never explain how much."

"Hey, Em? Sorry to interrupt, but your mom and uncle are here," Jace said, sticking his head into the room.

I turned to dad. "You ready to see them?"

He nodded at me, then at Jace. My boyfriend opened the door fully, and mom and Dom shoved their way in. I'd never seen the color drain out of their faces as quickly as it did in that moment. I got up from my chair, allowing them to move to his side.

"Br-Brian?" Mom stammered out, covering her mouth.

"Br-Brian?" Mom stammered out, covering her mouth

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"Hi, Mia," dad replied softly. I sidled out of the room and into Jace's embrace. He kissed me on the top of my head while I heard my mom start bawling. If I wasn't mistaken, Dom was too. They weren't the only ones.

"I can't believe he's back," I whispered. "I can't believe he's alive."

"I've never even met the man until tonight, and I can't either," Jace said. "I know how much he meant to you, and I'm so happy you have your dad back."

"You get to meet him officially now. Considering you saved my life, I have a feeling he won't mind you dating me whatsoever."

"Oh god, I hope he doesn't have any issues with us dating. I think I might be more terrified of him than anyone else. I mean, the man broke out of a hospital, evaded capture for over a week, drove a car like a maniac, saved my life, saved your life, and all after being imprisoned for years. Seriously, if he can do that, I don't want to know what he could do to me."

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