Chapter 25

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Chapter Quote:
"Nobody else. Just you and me, once and for all."
~Brian O'Connor

Chapter 25


We were all rushing to the cars we'd chosen when we found out Lynch pulled a fast one on us. Mia and Ember went over to the computer station to keep eyes and ears on the cameras and radios in the area. I saw her give Jackson, Brandon, and Sam a hug, reluctant to let anyone go. As the three of them ran off to their rides, her eyes remained on Jackson. Jealousy and disappointment flared within me. Jealousy because she might be in love with someone else, and disappointment because she'd moved on so fast. Our fight was my fault with the way I reacted, and it was probably petty and ridiculous the way I was feeling. I wanted her to be happy though, and if that meant she went for Jackson, then so be it. But I still missed her...

"Jace, you there buddy?" Steve queried, waving his hand in front of my face.

"I'm here, I'm here," I said, sheepishly looking away from Ember's direction. I hadn't even realized I'd been staring.

Steve seemed to know what was going through my mind because he told me, "Go say bye to her."

"She doesn't want me around her."

"Right, sure

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"Right, sure." Rolling his eyes, my friend walked off. I got into my car, put my hands on the steering wheel, and stared ahead watching everything unfold before me. Everyone preparing for the ride and fight ahead, but I could only think of Ember, and how if I didn't make it out of this, she would believe for the rest of her life I hated her when that was so, so far from the truth. I pulled out my phone and texted her, saying: I want to continue our talk after this mission is over.

I figured she wouldn't respond, and if she did, it'd be a simple 'okay'. But as always, she surprised me, and her response gave me a glimmer of hope that the friendship I'd ruined could be salvaged. She replied: Please make sure you come back...

I glanced up at Ember to see her looking at me in the distance. Realizing I was staring back at her, she gave me a quick smile before hastily turning to the computer. I didn't like leaving her here. Not because I thought she couldn't handle herself, but because I thought we couldn't do this without her. Like her uncle to the adults, Ember was our leader. We looked to her when things got tough or hairy, regardless of our relationship with her. I wished I'd been able to convince her to come...

"Everyone ready? Let's take down Lynch!" Brandon yelled. There was a chorus of 'yeahs' from our group, but I stayed silent, my nerves beginning to act up. One by one we pulled out of the garage, flooring it to the airport where Lynch would be heading. We planned on intercepting him on the way there.

"All right, everyone, I've got eyes on Lynch and crew from the sky, and Ember has him on cameras," Mia informed. She then proceeded to tell us which route to take that would get us there the quickest. We were all going well over a hundred, dodging and weaving around cars. I think a few cop cars tried to follow us, but they quickly stopped, making me wonder if they'd been warned to drop the chase. Or maybe they just couldn't keep up. Our cars were much better equipped than theirs.

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