Didn’t expect people to actually like this story so I decided I’d give y’all a treat and post sooner than later :) Thanks to RIP_Paul_Walker2013, rip_paul_walker_xx, Noctis Eternus, Lunar678, Yukira-Kuchiki, StardustForDream, tinkerbear10, Bri P, moogie, acechica, Cat414, and fastfan for reviewing, Noctis Eternus, Lunar678, sarah pigott, Yukira-Kuchiki, Mone123, malfano, smartin, tinkerbear10, and yugixyamixatemulove for adding this to their favorites, and thanks to IronManRox2k12, Noctis Eternus, Lunar678, Yukira-Kuchiki, Bri P, LifeIsMoreThanJustAPrettyFace, Mone123, MsKRyan.ox, acechica, calzona1931, quack-quack21, rosek28, and smartin for adding this to story alert. Y’all are awesome :) Enjoy!
Chapter Quote:
“This just went from mission impossible to mission in-freaking-sanity!”
~Roman Pearce
___________________________________Chapter 2
“Rise and shine Em,” Brandon hollered, throwing my curtains open and letting the blasted sunlight into my room. I groaned, covering my head with my duvet. I wanted to sleep, and his cheerful attitude and the rays of sun showering my room weren’t helping.
“No,” I mumbled, curling into a tiny ball.
“You gotta get up. Dom wants you to come to work early today,” he said. I forced myself to sit up, my back braced against my headboard. “Someone was out late last night.”
“Shut up,” I snapped airily.
“More street-racing viewing?” Brandon prodded, plopping down on my bed as I got up. I entered my closet, shutting the door so I could change into an appropriate outfit.
“Maybe I don’t always go for the cars,” I remarked, pulling out a pair of capris and a black tank top.
Brandon snorted, replying sarcastically, “Yes, because you have always been more interested in boys than cars. That’s funny, Ember.”
Exiting my closet, I saw Brandon stretched out on my bed, feet on my pillow. I flipped him off the bed. He complained loudly but did nothing else, remaining on the floor. I started putting makeup on. Working in my Uncle Dom’s car shop, we had a lot of guys come in. The young ones tended to be good-looking. Of course, they would never date me because my uncle scared the crap out of them. Plus a lot of them were street-racers. Never in a million years would I be allowed to date one. But hey, I still liked to look good.
“Any good racers last night?” Brandon asked.
“Yeah, a Nissan GT-R. Guy won six or seven in a row.”
“Get his name? Maybe I know him.”
“Jason Stark.”
“Ooh, maybe you weren’t going for the cars last night,” he laughed.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Jace is a heartthrob. All the girls fall for him, and he likes looking at pretty girls. He doesn’t date. I don’t know why. With how much money he makes, I’m surprised he doesn’t live in a five-star penthouse in downtown.”
My ego deflated. So I was just another piece of eye candy. Lovely. Well, so much for my mind being made up about going tonight. If he thought I was just another girl he could fool around with, he was sorely mistaken.
“Well with lines like ‘Were you looking for the car or for me,’ it’s no wonder girls fall for him,” I commented.
This caught my friend’s attention. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, did he hit on you?”
“Maybe, but I told him I was looking for his car.”
“Ouch, Ember. That’s rough.” He was laughing though.

Fast & Furious: A Legacy's Daughter
FanficEmber Toretto-O'Connor is forbidden from street-racing and watching it. She sneaks out and watches anyway, sticking to the shadows and not talking to anyone to avoid people founding out who she is. She starts falling for one of the top racers in t...