Chapter 3

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Dans POV

When Y/N had left, I went up to the apartment with heavy steps. As I entered our apartment, I thought I  could hear crying. Phils door was wide-open, Y/N must have slammed it opened when she left. Phil looked up at me with tears in his eyes. 

"Hi" I said awkwardly. I didn't know what to do, I'm not the best person to comfort somone.

"Hi" Phil said, smiling weakly at my awkwardnes.

"I met Y/N in the stairs" I said, and Phils smile died. 

"So she told you that..."

"Yeah. And why"

Phil put his head in his hands. "Are you mad at me?" he asked, which made me sort of surprised.

"Why would I be?" 

"Because I did't tell you that I was going to break up with Y/N and why"

To be honest, I WAS a little bit angry at Phil for not telling me, but it was also his choice and I could respect that. "Maybe a little, but was your choice too tell me, and I respect that"  I said. 

Phil looked at me with hope in his eyes. "Really? So you're not mad at me for falling in love with BF/N?"

I felt confused. "Why would be mad at you for that?" I asked, feeling slightly bad when I said it, but I felt that it was a valid question.

"Because I love BF/N!" Phil nearly screamed. Jesus, what was with people screaming today?  Of course, I can't really say that because I am me, but still. That dosen't apply to me...

"Yeah, but... I am not mad at you for that" I said. Maybe I was when I thought about it tho, but that was mostly for Y/N's sake.  I pulled out the game I had bought for Phil, and gave it to him. He looked at it with wide eyes. 

"What... Why.. Dan, you didn't have to buy that. I can't take it, I don't deserve it"

"Listen to me, Philip Lester. You are going to be happy about that video-game because it was expensive, and then you are going to realize that you really want that game, and I am going to have to drag you away from it to get you to eat. Understand?"

Phil smiled again. "Okey, Dan" he said. I nodded.

"Good. Now, when are you going to tell BF/N?" 

Phil looked at me like I was crazy. 

"NEVER?! Are you crazy??? I am not going to tell her ever. It is going to be so awkward, and she will never talk to me again, and I am not going to talk to her after that"  It reminded me so much of the conversation that I had had with Y/N before she and Phil got together, except for the fact that BF/N didn't like Phil like that. 

"I know" I said. "But don't you think that Y/N will tell her anyway? BF/N is going to ask what what is wrong, and I think that there is a big chance that Y/N is going to tell her. Wouldn't you feel better if  BF/N hears it from you?"

"Y/N wouldn't tell her... would she?" 

"Probably. Maybe. But you should still tell her" 

Your POV

You came home and collapsed on the couch. Sometime later, you didn't really know when, you could hear the door open. "Hello? Y/N?", BF/N called. "Are you home?"

"Yeah", you managed to scream back, but your voice broke. You could hear her talking to someone, probably her boyfriend. Then the door closed and BF/N turned on the light in the living room. She looked at you with concern.

"What's wrong?" she asked. You didn't know what to answer  her. Yeah, Phil broke up with me, and he is in love with you, my day was great. You? Truth be told, you where a bit mad at her, even though it was not her fault in any way. 

"Phil broke up with me" you managed to say. BF/N gasped. 

"Wait here" she said. "I'll be back soon" She left and went into the kitchen. A couple of minutes later she came back with a tray loded with candy, cookies and two steaming cups of coffee/tea/ hot chocolate on it. She placed the tray on the table. Then she sat down on the couch next to you. 

"Tell me what happened" she said. 

"Phil broke up with me" you said, and the tears started falling again. STOP! you thought to yourself, but it didn't work.

"Yes, you said that, but why tho? You guys..." BF/N stopped, realizing that she wasn't helping. 

"He's in love with someone else" 

"Who? Should we kill her?" 

You looked at BF/N. She was your best friend. And it was Phils fault you were mad at her for something that wasn't even her fault. 

"No. He loves... he loves you" you managed to croak out. BF/N just stared at you. "Oh God" she said. "Really?" 

You could only nod. The silence that filled the room afterwards, a heavy, painful silence, was broken when your phone buzzed. It was a text message from Dan. 

Dan: Hey how are you?

You: Not so good

Dan: I get that

Dan: Have you talked to BF/N yet?

You: Yes

You: I told her, if that is what you are wondering

Dan: It was

"Who was that?" BF/N said. 

"It was Dan. He wondered if I had told you" 

"Are you mad at me?" BF/N said. "I know you, and you get that face when you are mad at someone"

"A bit" you admitted. "But mostly I am mad at Phil for making me mad at you for something that           isn't even your fault"

BF/N hugged you, and you hugged her back, knowing that she would always be there for you. Especially now, when you had a boyfriend to get over. 


Hi guys! I really liked writing this chapter, and it is quite a long one too. Almost a thousand words! Let me know what you think of it. Oh and also, do you have friends? I do. *Applause*/ Sofia

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