.chapter four.

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The scent of blood hung in the air when he entered the stable. His dark eyes immediately landing on the white direwolf pup with blood staining his jowls.

"What did you do?" He asked the wolf, stepping closer to find a man laying in a pool of blood, his throat ripped to shreds.

The young wolf whimpered and laid down, his ears pinned back while his red eyes were fixed on something his master could barely see.

Reaching out for the only lantern that had been lit, he held it up, casting light into the shadows. Long black hair pooled around ivory white flesh. A girl, he realized by her tiny feminine frame. She was trembling, her face buried into her knees and hidden beneath her arms and hair. He moved to approach her to ask her if she was alright. The wolf leaped forward, standing in front of her facing his master with his teeth bared.

"Easy boy," he said to his direwolf, taking a step back. The white wolf relaxed and turned to sit beside the girl. "Are you alright?" He asked. "Did he hurt you?" A stupid question, he thought immediately afterward. It was evident from the scene laid before him that the dead man had ill intentions.

He had been in the courtyard, escaping the festivities within the hall. Tyrion Lannister had engaged in a conversation with him, one he could not have wanted more than anything to escape. And his prayers were answered the moment his wolf bound off toward the stables leaving him in his wake.

The girl still did not speak, nor did she uncover her face. He could hear her sobbing and see her trembling still. The stables weren't exactly cold, but to one without clothes who had just been assaulted, he knew it must not have been pleasant.

Removing his cloak, he moved to approach her so that he could wrap it around her. His wolf sprung up, hackles raised and teeth bared. The wolf was silent, but he knew it to be a warning him.

"I only want to give her this," he said to the white wolf. "I promise I will not hurt her."

Licking his muzzle, he sat back on his haunches. Slowly the boy approached her, careful not to upset neither girl nor his wolf. The wolf watched him as he placed the thick cloak over her and then stepped away.

A small scream passed through her lips as she cowered further into her dark corner until she realized what had happened. Slowly she lifted her head, puffy pale eyes peering through her black hair as she looked at the cloak on her shoulders.

He inhaled sharply, his eyes widening at the sight of her face. He knew this girl. She had been the one that had arrived just that very day along with the king and his family. She had been the girl betrothed to Robb, his half brother.

"Lady Tydore, my name is Jon Snow," he spoke gently, kneeling down so that they were eye level. "I promise I will not hurt you. I will be back with help, Ghost will keep you safe until I return." He stood up to his full height and moved to turn around.

"No!" Rhaella cried out, reaching forward as if that would make a difference to stop him. She sat in the furthest corner and he, feet away. She could not touch him.

Jon turned around, his dark eyes filled with concern. She noticed them briefly looking down before he turned his head to look away, his cheeks flushing a pale pink in the dim lantern light.

She pulled his cloak tighter around her and sat back against the wall. "Please speak of this to no one," she whispered.

He turned back to her, stunned by what she said. "Why?"

Rhaella lowered her gaze, careful to avoid looking at the dead body of the man that assaulted her. She shook her head and closed her eyes, tears still squeezing through.

She wanted to go home. She didn't want to be here. This would have never happened had she stayed home in King's Landing. She wanted Cersei and Myrcella, she wanted to be in her room safe away from this hell hole.

"Would you like me to send for the queen?"

Her eyes opened, he was kneeling again, his sad dark eyes searching for some sort of sign.

"No," she replied, her mind made up. She would never tell Cersei of what had just happened. She knew the queen. She knew the wrath she could unleash and although she knew Winterfell would deserve it, she did not want her virtue to be questioned.

"Then what?" He sounded slightly irritated and Rhaella realized she couldn't blame him.

Tears spilled over again, she lowered her head, placing it in her hands as she sobbed even harder than before.

"I can escort you back to your chambers," his voice broke through her sobbing. "You can keep Ghost while you are here if it helps. I know you will be safe in his care."

She tried to force herself to stop, her sobs soon turning into hiccups and preventing her from speaking properly. She looked up at him, nodded her head and wiped at her eyes and nose.

He waited until she found the strength to stand up to follow. Stepping out of her way, he allowed her to pass by him and then followed. She clung tightly to his cloak as they walked out into the cold night air. The feast had yet to cease since he left the hall but he could only guess that only the men were left now.

He followed along, keeping both his distance and his eyes peeled. Ghost, too, was on alert as he padded softly by her side.

They had reached her chambers at last. He stopped some distance away and watched as she turned the handle and pushed open the door. Ghost quickly trotted in, searching for any sign of an intruder before she walked in.

When the white wolf returned, his head cocked to the side and red eyes on her, he knew the room was secured. Yet she still hesitated to walk in.

"Thank you," she whispered softly. Before he could reply, she walked into her chamber and closed the door shut behind her.


I am sorry for flopping between Jon and Rhaella's point of view.

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