.chapter thirty-four.

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"Your grace, the men grow restless," one man said one morning while Robb Stark stood outside his tent. Inside Rhaella sat inside a tub filled with scalding hot water while Talisa gently scrubbed away at her back.

"I know," Robb sighed.

"What shall we do about them? They've all heard the stories, about man eating wolves in these parts."

"They will not harm us, they have no need to."

"Yet," Rhaella said before lowering down into the water so that only her eyes were visible. She noticed Talisa lofted a brow in response.

"You've much improved over the last few days," she unpinned Rhaella's hair, allowing it to fall around her into the water. "Head back."

Rhaella obeyed, only because she enjoyed the feeling of someone's fingers running through her hair and massaging her scalp.

"I have not," she finally said while Talisa massaged oils into her hair. "I just hide it better."

"You freely speak your thoughts in front of me."

"I do so in front of anyone."

"You no longer cower at the sight of Robb."

"Cowering only brings him closer to me. I rather he stay away."

Talisa stood up to fetch a pitcher of fresh water. When she returned, she said, "Do not push him away."

Water trickled down her face, she closed her eyes to avoid water flowing into them. Talisa placed the pitcher down and stood up again, this time with a dry linen cloth to wrap Rhaella in.

Rhaella rose from the tub, water dripping down her body as she stepped over the edge and on to the ground. Talisa wrapped the towel around her and then turned to fetch another one.

"I can never love him," Rhaella whispered softly, "My heart will never allow it."

"You do not know what your heart is capable of doing," she smiled.

Rhaella sat on the bed, her body and hair dry as she stared at the ground. Robb had returned and Talisa had gone. Silence had fallen, aside from Grey Wind chewing happily on his bone and occasionally growling to provoke Winter.

"I've never seen men so afraid of wolves before," Robb finally said hoping to enlighten the mood. "Men who've been to battle, yet afraid of wolves."

She laid back against the bed, ignoring him as best as she could. Expect she never really ignored him. For some reason she listened to him, to every word he spoke even when not in the tent. It brought comfort to her knowing he was close and that he kept close even when he left her side.

"I think Nymeria wants to see you." She watched as he cut a piece of bread and glanced over at her.

"You've not once stopped since you returned," she closed her eyes. "Even when I say nothing at all."

She listened as he laid down his knife and stood up, he was not a silent walker though she supposed no young wolf would be. When she opened her eyes, she was staring into that sea of blue that was his eyes.

"I know you are listening," he gently caressed her cheek. "to my every word." And he kissed her forehead. "Sleep, tomorrow you will meet with Nymeria."

"You're hiding something," she called out to his retreating back.

Robb stopped, "Just sleep, Rhaella, you need it."

"Meet Ser Alwin Gregof," Robb halted in front of Rhaella, a grin visible as he turned toward Rhaella

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"Meet Ser Alwin Gregof," Robb halted in front of Rhaella, a grin visible as he turned toward Rhaella.

She kept behind Robb, her hand gripping his arm as her eyes landed on Ser Alwin's armor. "I know him," she whispered, "He was apart of Robert's king's guard until Joffrey dismissed him."

"That cunt had no right to dismiss me," Alwin grumbled, "Too old my ass, I was the best damn knight in that shithole!"

"Ser Alwin, here," Robb was still smiling as he spoke to Rhaella, "has come to join us. He even brought with him men loyal to you."

"To me?" Bewildered, Rhaella looked up at Robb, her eyes wide. "Why me?"

Alwin removed his sword from it's sheath and drove it into the sopping wet ground. He knelt down on one knee, his head bowed. "I once knew your father, m'lady, he was good to me. Gave me lands to farm while that cunt stripped me of everything I knew. I confess, I make for a lousy farmer."

Rhaella clung to Robb's arm, she pressed her cheek to his shoulder, "I had forgotten about my father..." she whispered. "I forgot..."

"Shh," Robb placed a hand over her's, "I will bring you to your father soon. You will see him, that I promise."

She nodded her head slowly, her blue iris fixed on a stake poking from the ground. Robb kept his hand over her's, rubbing it softly with his own.

"What do you think?" Rhaella lifted her head, her chin resting on his shoulder. She hasn't a clue as to what he was talking about and Robb somehow knew, "Would you accept Ser Alwin as your personal guard?"

She pulled from Robb, her lips pressing together firmly. Her eyes locked with Ser Alwin and she stared at him. There was only so little she could recall about him, only that he was indeed quite old, and had served two kings prior to his dismissal. He was good, but was he to be trusted.

"I can train you, if you'd like."

"Train me?" Puzzled, Rhaella looked to Robb for an explanation.

"To use a sword. You won't always have him to count on."

"I never do," Rhaella realized it a little too late. She looked up at Robb, but he had turned his face more toward the right. All she could see from where she stood was that he had clenched his jaw.

"I'm sorry!" She cried out after him.

Rhaella had agreed to begin lessons with Alwin, and now he was to be sworn in as a member of her guard. Through it all, Robb had said very little.

"You don't think I don't know how many times I've failed you?" He turned to face her the moment she entered the tent. He sank down onto his bed, face pressed against his hands.

Rhaella stood there, uncertain of what she should do. She wrapped her arms around herself and locked eyes with Grey Wind.

His wounds were heeled now, but he was not the same that he used to be. Less active, less aggressive. If anything, he had turned into more of a coward.

"I didn't realize..." she turned from Grey Wind back to Robb.

Quietly, Rhaella walked to him. She sat down beside him and for the first time in weeks, she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him to her.

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