.chapter forty.

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My little Queenie is back;She took a brief hiatus to work out her issues and I got a little busy with work, but we are back and she's ready to get the ball rolling

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My little Queenie is back;
She took a brief hiatus to work out her issues and I got a little busy with work, but we are back and she's ready to get the ball rolling.

Besides, who needs boys when you have potential to rule the world?

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At last a large gray keep came into view. Rhaella sat atop her spotted mare, eyes welling up with tears. It had been a long journey, one filled with much grief. From this very keep a raven had been sent to inform her of the untimely death of her husband and his men. And from both the news and her exhausting journey, she was convinced she had lost her only true link to the man she had lost.

"My lady," Alwin appeared beside her, his handsome face sun kissed and lined from worry. "Shall we proceed?"

She nodded her head and followed behind as they continued across the terrain where they were greeted by her father's own men. Words had been exchanged, Alwin speaking for her, and then they were brought through the gates.

Pale flesh draped in ivory and silver basked in orange from a burning candle, stood outside large oak and iron forged doors. She appeared older than Rhaella imagined, though perhaps it was because she had last seen here many years ago.

"Your journey has been long," she spoke. Even her voice sounded different.

Rhaella dismounted with the assistance of her men. Her body ached, sore from their endless riding. She wanted nothing more than to lay for a good while, or perhaps forever.

"Come sister, I assure you would like to rest awhile," Rayne stepped aside as the door creaked open. "As for your men, Maester Tywelle will show them to the barracks and will see to it that they are well fed and looked after. You needn't worry, you are safe here."

Alwin appeared beside Rhaella to assist her. Since her departure from Robb he had became insufferable and far more protective than before. But had it not been for him, this journey would not have come to an end.

He carried her into a chamber she presumed was to be her's for the stay. And while he placed her on the bed, Rayne appeared at the foot of it.

"Maester Tywelle shall be in soon to see you," she informed. "I know there were some complications... I can assure you your heir is still very much alive."

Tywelle came and went. The old man confirmed Rayne's comment and eased Rhaella's doubts. She was able to rest now and that is what she did.

Many nights had passed before she regained strength and at last she was brought up to her father. At first she had been confused when Rayne led her up a flight and then down a dark corridor, but when she entered a candle lit room, she saw the balding head and instantly knew.

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