.chapter twenty.

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"My lady, the hand has been arrested."

Her head snapped up, ice blue eyes wide with disbelief, "For what?" She shrieked, startling her handmaiden.

"T-treason," she replied.

"Treason?" She nearly spat the word. "What treason has Eddard Stark committed?" Rhaella rose up, the book in her lap tumbling to the stone floor. "He is a good, honest man! What of his girls? Where are they?"

The handmaiden shook her head, "I don't know," she said with tears sparkling in her green eyes.

Impatient and more concerned for her friend, Rhaella raced out of her chambers in search for someone who could tell her more.

"His grace is not to be disturbed, m'lady," a man clad in armor spoke, his spear barring the door to prevent her from entering.

"This is a matter of importance," she growled, her ice blue eyes filling with malice.

"I must ask you to leave."

At this, Rhaella lost all restraint. She lunged forward, her hand curling around his mail, not caring at all that the material crushed her fingers, "You will let me enter or I will personally cut your head from your shoulders myself," she hissed, her eyes glaring into his. "Have I made myself clear?"

He pried her fingers free from his chainmail and stared at her, unphased by her treat. The guard readjusted his armor and went back to standing guard, ignoring her as if she was not there.

"Your sword, ser," she held out her hand and spoke in a calm tone. He continued to ignore her. Her hand curled into a fist, her knuckles turning white.

She felt two hands come to rest on her shoulders. Turning, she found Petyr Baelish behind her, a smirk on his face. His eyes spoke unsaid words and then he turned.

With one last look at the guard, Rhaella turned on her heel and hurried on after Lord Baelish.

"What is going on?" She asked him when they had finally slipped from the palace. She knew where they were going.

"I will explain soon," he said before disappearing down a steep slope with rocks for steps.

Rhaella followed cautiously. When she reached the end, Baelish held out his hand for her to take. Her lips pursed, but nonetheless, she placed her hand in his.

For awhile they walked, turning down this street and that until they had finally reached their destination. He led her into the brothel where she followed along quietly.

They continued in silence throughout the brothel until they finally reached a room that was not occupied by whores and men looking for a good time. Behind him, Baelish closed the door and turned toward Rhaella.

"Now, what would you like to know?"

"I have no time for games, Petyr."

"I am sure you've heard-"

She sighed deeply and rolled her eyes, "Where is Arya? And why is Lord Stark in prison for treason? What has he done?"

His lips curved, "The first question, I can not answer, but-"

"Can no one tell me where my friend is?" She cried out, "I must know if she is unharmed. She's probably frightened beyond her wits."

Baelish came forward, his hands gently resting on her shoulders, "We will find her," he said. "You have my word."

Rhaella looked up at him, her nose crinkling just a slight bit from the scent of his minty breath. In a way, she felt calmer than she did before.

"Why has Lord Eddard been captured?" She then asked.

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