Falling For the Unexpected

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   “You’re wasting your time,” my best friend Alex said as he noticed me staring at my crush Tyler.

   “What do you mean?” I ask closing my locker door.

  “He doesn’t even know you exist,” he said leaning against his locker.

   I sighed, turning to look at him once again. “I know… But he might one day,” 

   “He’s on the football team, basketball team, and baseball team. All of the girls love him, and he’s the most popular guy. I don’t want to sound mean, but he’ll never notice you. And he likes Grace,” Alex trailed off.

   I closed my eyes tightly and turned away from him. “I have to get to class. I’ll see you later, Alex,” I said walking away.

   I’m invisible to Tyler. He doesn’t even know that I’m alive. I’m just another girl to him. I’ll never be anything more. Every time I look at him, I find myself falling for him even more. 

   I’ve liked Tyler ever since I first saw him in eight grade. I guess you could say that he was a loser then. He didn’t have many friends and he was always sitting by himself. I always wanted to talk to him but I could never get myself to do it. I was too scared that he would ignore me. I wish I would’ve gotten the courage to go up and talk to him. Maybe if I did he would actually know who I am.

   I walked down the hallway and Damon, I think that’s his name, smiled slightly at me while blushing. I smiled back and walked into my fourth hour class. 

   Tyler was sitting on the opposite side of the classroom. He was laughing with his obnoxious friends and flirting with Grace. I glared at her, opening my notebook. 

   “Did you enjoy your hour with Tyler?” Alex asked sarcastically when I walked out.

   I scoffed. “I never even talk to him,”

   “And that’s why he doesn’t even know you’re alive!” he said putting his hands on my shoulders and shaking me.

   “He would ignore me if I tried,” I mumbled looking at my feet.

   “You’ll never know until you try,” he said looking at Tyler who was walking towards us.

   I took in a deep breath before walking over to him. “Hey, Tyler. Can I-”

   “Who the fuck are you?” I asked glaring at me.

   “I’m, um-” I started before he cut me off again.

   “You’re that pink haired freak that everybody hates!” he said, his eyes lighting up like he realized all of the worlds secrets.

   He laughed before walking away to all of his friends. 

   Tears stung my eyes as I turned around to face Alex. His jaw and fists were clenched, and he looked like he was about to explode.

    “That fucking asshole. I’m going to fucking kill him,” he said walking towards him.

   “Alex stop!” I said grabbing his arm. “He’s not worth it,” 

   Alex glared at me and shoved my arm off of him before walking away.

   Everyone hates me? I knew that a lot of people didn’t like me, but I didn’t think it was like that. I don’t even talk to most people. 

   Lunch was slower than usual. Alex ditched the rest of the day because he would probably hurt Tyler if he saw him again today. 

   I sat at our normal table, alone. It was the first time that I actually noticed that people were whispering about me and staring at me. Most of them were laughing whenever they would look at me. Tyler and his friends were throwing things and laughing while insulting me. 

   “Faggot!” Tyler yelled throwing a grape at me.

   “Friendless bitch,” Grace said throwing another one at me. 

   Tears filled my eyes once again as I got up and threw my tray away, running out of the cafeteria.

   Why do they hate me so much? I never did anything to them. 

   “Grayson!” I heard someone call out my name but I ignored it as I kept running towards the restroom.

   I ran into a stall and fell to the ground crying. Everyone hates me here. All of them. No one likes me. I’m just a loser who doesn’t belong here. They were all talking about me. I don’t know what I did to make them hate me. 

   A group of girls walked into the bathroom laughing.

   “Did you see her run out of there like that? What a freak,” one girl said laughing.

   “I know! I don’t see why she doesn’t just kill herself already. It’s not like anyone would miss her,” another one said.

   I peaked through a crack in the stall door and looked at them. The blonde cheerleader was applying lip gloss while the other was fixing her hair. 

   “Doesn’t she know that everyone hates her? And what’s up with her name? I bet she’s secretly a dude,” she said before grabbing her purse and walking out of the bathroom with her friend. 

   I stumbled to open the stall door, still crying. Is that what everyone thinks about me? 

   Wiping my eyes, I walked out of the bathroom trying to act happy again. 

   “You will choose a partner for this project,” Mr. Jefferson, my chemistry teacher, said sitting down at his desk. “You have the rest of this class period to discuss everything with your partner,” 

    The rest of the class was getting up to find a partner while I sat awkwardly in my seat knowing that no one will pick me. 

   Grace pushed me as she walked by me and laughed as she walked away. 

   Damon turned to look at me. “Well, um, we could be partners. If you want to,” he said awkwardly. 

    “Yeah, I guess,” I mumbled. “You can come over after school so we can start working on it,” 

   “Well, uh, I need to know where you live,” he said smiling slightly.

   “Find me in the parking lot and just follow me home,” 

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I know that this is really short and kind of terrible but I had to start it off somehow. It'll get better... (I hope xD) 

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