Chapter 3

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   Alex and I were sitting at the mall food court eating and talking about random bullshit. When our conversation died down. I mentioned Damon.

   “You know that kid Damon, right?” I asked picking at my food.

   “Isn’t he that weird loner kid?” Alex asked as he picked up his phone to reply to a text.

   Weird loner kid? Is that what everyone calls Damon? 

   “Yeah, I guess so,” I shrugged.


   “We’re partners for the project in Mr. Jefferson’s class-” I said before he cut me off. 

   “Wait, did he let you choose partners or did he assign them?” he asked, seriously.

   “He let us choose. Why?”

   “That asshole! He assigned partners in my class. I was going to pick Lacy and finally ask her out,” he said clenching his fists.

   Alex has liked Lacy ever since tenth grade. Unlike me not having a chance with Tyler, he actually has a chance with her. She’s not really popular, but she has a bunch of friends. Lacy has red hair and blue-green eyes. She’s very pretty. I’ve never really talked to her before, but when I have she was really nice. 

   “Just walk up to her one day. Don’t be a pussy,” I said flicking his forehead.

   “Whatever,” he mumbled. “So, why’d you bring up that weird kid?"

     "Well, while everyone else had already found a partner, Damon and I were the only ones who didn't have one so he asked me to be his partner," I said before getting cut off again. 

  "And I care about how y'all became partners because?" he asked, impatiently. 

  I glared at him. "He came over to my house after school yesterday so we could start working on the project. Randomly he blurted out how Tyler doesn't even notice me and that he was right there. And then he kissed me," I said the last part quietly. 

  "Oh my god! What'd you do?" he said loudly. 

  I looked around and people around us were staring at Alex like he was crazy. 

  "I didn't do anything! I was too shocked to do anything but sit there like an idiot!" I said covering my face with my hands. 

  "You idiot!" Alex said slamming his hands down on the table. 

  "Then he went on saying how he thought I was beautiful and how he loves that I'm not afraid to be different, and then he said that he was in love with me," I said leaning on the table, my hands still covering my face. 

  "Let me guess, you just sat there like an idiot still," Alex said sarcastically. 

  "No, I kissed him," I said blushing a bright red. 

  Alex squealed like he was gay. "What happened next?" 

  I swear, sometimes I think that he's gay. 

  "He said 'Be mine,'" I said uncovering my face. 

  "And you said..." he asked anxiously. 

  "I didn't say anything..." I mumbled quietly. 

  "You fucking dumbass!" Alex yelled loudly. "He obviously really likes you, but you turn him down! How do you think he felt?! Like fucking shit, and you should know how that feels!" 

  I sunk back in my chair and looked down. 

  I didn't really think about it. I know how it feels to be turned down by someone you really like. It doesn't feel good at all. 

  "Oh, look," Alex said, his eyes lighting up. "He's right over there!" 

  I turned around and saw Damon walking around talking to his phone. Is his phone his only friend or something... 

  "Go talk to him," Alex said looking me in the eyes. 

  "No, I can't," I said loudly. 

  Alex smirked. "Than I will," he said getting up. 

  "No, Alex don't!" I said panicking, grabbing his arm. 

  He shook my arm off and walked over to him. 

  My heart raced as I saw Alex start a conversation with Damon. Alex said something and a smile appeared on Damon's face. 

  "Really?" I could make out him say. 

  They talked for a few moments more before they both walked over to me. 

  "I'm gonna leave you two alone. I'll be over there somewhere," Alex said before walking away. 

  "Don't leave me, Alex!" I mentally screamed at him. 

  Awkwardly, I turned to face Damon who was sitting in front of me. 

  "Hi," he said smiling slightly. 

  "Hey," I said looking down and playing with my jacket sleeve. 

  "Why won't you go on a date with me?" Damon asked after a few moments of silence. 

  "Why wouldn't I?" I asked awkwardly, still not looking at him but I could tell that he was staring at me. 

  "Well, you ignored me yesterday when I asked," he scoffed. 

  "I-I was shocked. I'm sorry. I couldn't say anything..." 

  "Will you go out with me tonight?" Damon asked quietly. 

  "Sure," I said looking up at him. 

  Dressed in an off-white sleeveless dress and a grey sweater, I waited for Damon to show up.

  I checked my reflection in the mirror one last time before walking downstairs. Since it felt nice outside, I decided to sit on the steps of my white front porch to wait.

  I sat there listening to music until I realized an hour had pasted. He was suppose to be here forty five minutes ago. 

  I waited for thirty minutes more before I just gave up and realized that he wasn't going to show up. 

  A tear fell from my eyes as my moms car pulled into the driveway. 

  "Awh, Grayson, you look so pretty," she said smiling as she got out of the car. 

  Another tear fell as I got up and walked inside of my house and ran up the stairs to my room. 

  He stood me up. Damon stood me up. I should've know that he was lying. He doesn't really like me. He's just like everyone else. All Damon wanted to do was make fun of me and make me feel like shit. 

  With shaky hands, I grabbed my phone and called Alex. 

  "Why are you calling me?!" he asked as he answered my call. "You're suppose to be on a date!"

  "He- he stood me up," I said my voice shaking. 

  "Fucking ass," Alex said through clenched teeth before hanging up. 

  I know that Alex is getting in his car right now and speeding over here. He's done this for me a million times before. 

  I didn't have to wait long before Alex showed up at my house because he doesn't live that far away from me, and he was probably going way over the speed limit. 

  "That fucking asshole!" Alex yelled busting into my room. "Why would he fucking do that?! If he really liked you, he would've showed up!"

  I was sitting on my bed, tears falling from my eyes. "He's just like everyone else. He was just messing with me,"

  "That dickhead! Why can't he see that the perfect girl is right in front of him! On Monday, he's going to fucking get it! I don't care if I get expelled or even arrested!" Alex said, screaming now. 

  "Alex, calm down, please," I said quietly. 

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