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  • Dedicated to Dominique

"Mommy, when are they coming?" 8 year old Roza asked her mother jumping impatiently

It was a snowy day in Moscow, Russia. The Bashmakov's were expecting visitors soon and little Roza couldn't wait for her bestfriend Mason to come. Both the Bashmakov's and the Ioselovich's have known each other since they were little kids. Same went for 4 children, considering they known each other since they were in diapers. At the though brought Roza's mom a smile.

"Soon enough my little Roza, soon" her mom told Roza who seemed not too happy with her mother's answer.

"Honey!" Roza's father yelled from the front door, "the Ioselovich's are he----"
Her Husband's voice was cut off, due to Roza's and Mason screaming in excitement, and tripping. Along with Alec, Roza's big brother and Seth, Mason's big brother laughter towards their younger siblings clumsiness.


    Both families ate and laughed all while sharing stories among themselves. Later on after dessert they moved down to the main living room in the castle and sat in front of the fire. 

"So Roza how are those piano lessons going?" Mason's mother asked with a smile

"Good," Roza smiled, "Do you want to hear?"

She didn't wait for an answer and ran straight to the black grand piano that sat near the fireplace. Everyone soon followed her and sat near the sofa that was near the instrument.

"Mason can you help me?" Roza asked, "It's your favorite piano duet, I remember you like the piece but needed another pianist so I learned it." Mason looked at Roza with pure happiness and joined her at the piano bench.

They played and instantly the piano music filled the entire room, everyone was so into the music that until about a few minutes that they noticed it had ended

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They played and instantly the piano music filled the entire room, everyone was so into the music that until about a few minutes that they noticed it had ended.

 Everyone was congratulating them. Both mothers were crying in happiness as for their the fathers and both brothers were looking at them with proud gleam in their eyes. After that they all went into deep conversations with each other. 

All the grown ups  were too busy talking to each other to notice that both Mason and Roza escaped the manor. They were so busy playing they didn't noticed what was in their surroundings. They played and talked until they grew tired. 

The ended up asleep in the backyard garden a couple minuets later. Roza in a waking haze had a nightmare that was dark and that people were screaming. Immediately she realized that it wasn't a nightmare and woke up Mason coughing due to inhaling the smoke and ashes in the air.

"Mason! Mason!" Roza said crying and hugging him as she looked at the burning building.

"Roza...Roza...Where are they?" Mason asked scared, "They made it out right?" and he then starts crying softly holding on to her hard.
"What are we going to do?" Roza sobbed and coughed into his shirt.

"I don't know but, I will never leave you!"he said in a stable voice, "Let get out of here."

They ran until it became to much for their young bodies and both fainted from the trauma. Both best friends were holding on to all they had left, each other. When they woke up, they were both separated and didn't remember each other or what had happened.

 When they woke up, they were both separated  and didn't remember each other or what had happened

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