I So Didn't Expect That

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Chapter 6: Rose's POV

"Rose, I'm your brother" Alec told me.

I stood there shocked for who knows how long. He's my brother?! How can that be? I mean if he was I would of remembered. Unless someone compelled me...No, that wouldn't be the case.

"No you're not, because I would have remembered you" I told him confused.

"I arranged it so you two, wouldn't remember me or anything related to the night of the accident" He told me sadly, and then came up to me.

I backed up shaking my head denying what he was saying. My throat was closing and my chest became tight.

Mason hissed in warning at Alec's close proximity and his frame shook in his power. Alec hissed back, and the whole room shook with even more power. Once, Mason backed down unwillingly to show he knows who's has the dominance.  Alec looked into our eyes, and instantly I felt his powerful magic.

"You will remember what has been forbidden, and once you remember you'll go to a deep sleep and wake up once your memory is back." He chanted in a different language looking deeply into out eyes.

Instantly, I felt a surge of power envelope me, and Mason. I saw myself as a baby, being carried by a small Alec, and two people who were young and powerful and with crowns in their heads, and I saw the love in their eyes. 

My parents

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My parents. I saw Mason with me almost all the time, and I saw what I assume was his older brother, and parents. I felt tears in my eyes. The last event I saw was Mason and me running away from the smoke that was everywhere, coming strongly from a house. A house where both of our families were in. A house that was on fire, burning to the ground. I started to sob, but I was getting drowsy and sleepy.

Last thing I heard was "I'm so sorry Rose, I will never leave you again" and I blacked out.


Alec's POV

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Alec's POV

After I made sure they were both in bed safely, I made my way to my dorm. I felt really bad for erasing her memories, but with everything going on and her and Mason's life on the line, I knew it had to be done. I couldn't protect them both. I also couldn't bear to just take Rose and leave Mason behind in danger. Especially because I knew Rose would have thrown a storm about it.

I know she has a rough, lonely life after the accident, as well for Mason. Even though I wasn't with them, I knew how they were doing. I'm pretty sure she hates me know, but I hope in the future she will forgive me.

I didn't want to tell her know about all of this just yet considering that I "just met" her. But with them finding out that they are mates, I feel it is time.

Thinking of how Rose and Mason acted around each other had me thinking on how I felt about Caroline. I wasn't expecting to find my mate just yet. 

 Her having slayer blood in her system, doesn't change how I feel about her, but I'm scared of how she will react when I tell her about us, though I'm guessing she already knows.

As, I enter my dorm, I make a promise that I will do whatever it takes to have both her and Rose in my life, no matter what shape and form, and vowed to protective in all the ways I can.

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