The Unexpected is Better

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Chapter 2:

  MasonMason! I recognize him, but I can't remember how. Then my head started to hurt. I started to fall, but Mason caught me before I hit the ground. The moment his arms get me I felt sparks fly. Out of shock I quickly got out of his hold. It was then I heard an angry yell.

"Hey!" Ethan yelled, "Get your hands off of her!" 

Ethan yanked me behind him, and sent Mason flying 15 feet away straight towards the last row of lockers.

As if out of instinct I felt my self get angry. I glared at a seething Ethan and pushed him. I made my way  towards Mason.

"Are you ok?" I said as I helped him up with a worried expression, "Sorry Ethan can be a jealous jerk sometimes," I told with with a sad smile. Then I remembered I haven't told him my name. 

"Hi, I am Rose" I extended my hand, which he took with a smile.

"Really hope that he didn't hurt you" I said sincerely. He got up, winced but shook it off.

"Naw! I am alright, I am stronger than I look" he said looking behind my shoulder and smirked , "Apperantly so are you."

I looked at him confused, and turn to see what he meant. Ethan was 30 feet away, trying to pick himself up. Then I looked at the wall behind, and saw I had made a dent in the wall. Oops!

I ran towards him with Mason at my tail. I helped him up, because even though I was mad at him, he is my boyfriend after all.

"Ethan are you OK?" I asked him a little worried. He looked pissed at me.

"Of course I'm not OK!" he yelled. I cringed.

"That guy was grabbing you!" Then he saw Mason behind me and growled. Much like many legends say, vampires don't like their intended with other males, hence his anger.

The earlier anger returned, but also some hurt.

"I was in pain and about to faint!" I yelled back, "He caught me just in time before I could hit the ground" My accent sounded more pronounced now since I was mad, but I didn't care. I felt I had to defend Mason honor, I don't know why but at the moment I was acting on pure instinct.

Ethan still looking at Mason, I saw his normal yellow eyes turn a black. I don't know why but I knew if I didn't get his attention he will attack Mason, and I didn't want that happening.

"If he hadn't caught I would be in a the hospital for I all know!" I yelled at him annoyed, "I'm a hemophiliac Ethan! Remember?!" The reason Yoona were so rare and the weakest of the Dhampir is due to the hemophilia that come with it.

Ethan looked at me like the stuff I was saying was new information, "Your a hemophiliac?" he asked dumbfounded.

I didn't even think about it and started punching him in the chest, but then I was held back.

"Let me go!" I told Mason. I was crying by then. I've been dating Ethan for a month now, and I've told him numerous time about my blood disorder.

"No, Roza let's go

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"No, Roza let's go. He will reget this on his own" Mason told me calmly. He carried me away, but not before he sended Ethan a muderous glare, or so I thougth, until Ethan crindged and grunting in pain.

Caroline come and get me please? I thought through our link. A second later she was in front of us.

She looked at me, and said through the link, A penny for an explination? I explained everythinng mean while Mason was calming me down, until I stopped crying. When I stopped I knew I had to thank him.

"Thank You, Mason. I know that I just met you, but I'm debt to you" I saw he was going to protest but I cut him off. 

"You saved me twice today" I gave him a weak smile and starred into his deep chocolate eyes, "I hope I get to see you later."

He seemed to understand my message."Hey no problem! As for the first time I saved you, I had to becasuse I was the only near by." 

He turned to go but glanced back to give me a smile and went on his way.

I was still starring the way he had left, like I was hypnotized. I mostly think it was due to his soothing voice and just the sweet and kind personality. I really don't know. Then I felt Caroline turned me around to face her.

"OK, first who, how come you didn't tell me you were dating Ethan? Second, who was the hottie? Thirdly where is that jerk Ethan so I can kill him??!! The last part she was fuming and yelling.

SHUT UP!! LOWER YOUR VOICE UNLESS YOU WANT THE WHOLE SCHOOL TO HEAR YOU! I yelled in our link. Once she was calmed down I decieded to answer her questions.

"I started dating Ethan a week or two before our summer break, and I didn't want to tell you because I didn't know how you would react. The guy who left was a new guy named Mason, whom I met this morning near my locker. Lastly Ethan is near the last of the east wing lockers, lying on the floor, because the ass forgot I can't be exposed to bleeding, after telling I wasn't, and he forgets!" I took a deep breath to calm down, or else I might end up hurting myself or someone else with my powers if I lose it.

I looked up to tell Caroline to help me calm down, but she was already gone.


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