Into Uncharted Waters

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The next two and a half months passed like a flash of lightning. Harvest was soon approaching and the work was back-breaking at times. Helena was the most attentive person. She made sure we stopped to eat, brought lemonade or iced tea during the afternoon, and helped with the chores. She and Annie took turns making the larger meal of the day, and alternated barnyard duties as well. I was glad she had another female to talk with and someone to share the burden that fell to the boss’s wife.

We started planning the Thanksgiving meal. We wanted to invite our families and friends to visit. We sent a letter to Jay and Madeline, though travel might be difficult for her. I imagined it would be similar to last year’s celebration.

Everyone gathered for the meal and brought plenty of food. We had about twenty-five people in our dining room. This was not a foreign situation at the McBride’s ancestral home. Helena cooked a perfect bird, and Leah made a succulent ham. The trimmings were all set out before us. I was ready to ask Mike to bless the food, but he beat me to the punch. “Jack. It’s your home. Would you bless the food and those gathered at the table, please?”

“I would be honored. Heavenly Father, we are forever in gratitude to you for the plentiful bounty you’ve increased us with. We ask you to bless the food that we may be nourished by it, and in the strength provided by You, we may honor and serve you better. Bless each precious soul gathered with us today. In the name of Jesus, Your Son, we pray. Amen!”

The food was served and everyone ate plentifully. Then Helena stood. I looked at her, and the most serene expression crossed her face. She took my hand, saying, “I want to thank each of you for spending our first holiday with us. We are so very blessed to know each and every one of you, and you each make our life a little brighter. Jack, you are the most miraculous person in my life. I love you and am especially glad to be here with you today.” She took a deep breath. She almost looked as if she might cry. “Stand up, Jack.” Then she whispered the impossible in my ear, “I’m expecting.” I hugged her so hard I think she almost stopped breathing. I whispered back, “Are you sure?” When she nodded, I kissed and hugged her. Then, so everyone else would be in on the secret, I beamed. “We’re having a baby!”

Leah and Maw helped with the dishes and clean up. The men helped put all of the chairs and tables back to where they belonged. And then, one by one, or family by family, they left. We sat together in the parlor and drank coffee, reminiscing the day and the food. I stopped and looked at my wife...what a woman. She kept our baby a secret until today. I’d noticed she is so tired at the end of the day, but she keeps going without complaint. I thought she had said she’d been feeling sick lately, and though I paid attention, I figured it was because of the harvesting and all that goes into it.

“Helena, sweet?” I finished my coffee and put my cup down. “I don’t understand.”

“Jacky, what don’t you understand?”

“How you could be having a baby?”

Of course I knew how. That wasn’t what I really meant, but she did not give me time to clarify the statement. Instead, her face lit up with a knowing look. Then she took my hand, and said, “Let me show you!”

A Love That Time Cannot Erase (#2 -  Eternal Love Series)Where stories live. Discover now