Sudden Storm

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A thundering crash made me jump out of a deep sleep. Rain was pouring down like a waterfall. The animals in the barns and the barnyard were making enough noise to wake anyone. I dressed in a hurry, put my hat on and went outside to see if anyone was in need of anything.

Mike was pulling his truck out of his garage. I wasn’t even aware he had a truck. I ran out to check on him.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s Leah. She has to go to the hospital. She’s been having really bad headaches. Normally they aren’t so bad, but this one has her sick. Helena’s really upset.”

“I’ll drive. Bring Helena. She won’t be able to leave her mom’s side anyway.”

“Thanks, Jack. It means a lot to me. Be right down.”

The next person I saw was Helena. She looked like she’d been up all night with Leah. I hugged her, and kissed her forehead, ever careful to honor her wishes.  She stayed in my arms until Mike brought Leah down. Leah was pale, and was squinting. The pain had to be awful. The headache powders must not have worked.

We arrived almost an hour later due to the heavy rains. Living on a farm can be treacherous when the rain is this heavy. The roads wash out very quickly, and the driver has difficulty seeing.

A nurse greeted us as we came through the door, and she assisted Mike with checking in Leah. Then she called Doc. I don’t even think I know his actual name. We just know him as Doc.

He examined Leah and gave her some laudanum for her headache. He introduced fluid by intravenous drip, and had a nurse bring cold towels to put over her eyes.

“I’m keeping her here until tomorrow, at the earliest. She needs to be monitored to make sure the laudanum is working well. If it proves to be effective, we will send her home. Also, I am testing her for sugar diabetes just to be sure that is not the cause. Would you like me to call you?”

“I plan on staying here, Doc.” Mike responded.

“As am I.” Helena answered, as well. She looked at me. I was not about to leave her side.

“Doc, it looks like we will be right here until further notice.”

“Very well, then. I will keep you informed of any news I find.”

I phoned my Mom and Pop to ask for prayers. Pop was already aware of the situation, as he was an apothecary and had already conversed with Doc about doses and treatments.

An hour later, Mom and Pop found us at the hospital; a basket of food in hand. “Thanks, Mom.”

“Yes, thank you, Mrs. Marshall.” Mike and Helena expressed this simultaneously.

“It’s Rachel. I’m too young to be called Mrs. Marshall,” she chortled. Laughter was good. “How is Leah? John didn’t say much about his conversation with Doc. Most of what I heard was medical talk. I didn’t go to medical school, so I was unable to understand anything.”

Mike summed up the treatment and diagnosis for Mom. “He’s given her some laudanum and an intravenous drip to help with the headache, as well as wet cloths to put on her forehead and to cover her eyes. He wants to keep her here tonight. He wants to test her for sugar diabetes, as well. That’s all we know right now. I imagine she’s asleep, or almost. She needs to sleep. She’s been awake sick all night. Helena was awake with her.”

“Helena, you come home with me and rest. Mike and John are here, and will call us if they need us to come back, okay?” My mother is a sweet soul. She is tough on the exterior, from everything she has faced in her life, but she is also very caring and compassionate all the same.

“Jacky? Will you come, too?” She asked. Mom raised one eyebrow at the nickname only Helena could use. Dad stifled a snicker. I would hear about this one, for sure.

“Absolutely, dear.” I answered her, careful not to check my parents’ responses this time. We left first, and I could hear all three of the cackling.

We arrived at Mom and Pop’s house a few minutes after leaving the hospital.  Mom, always the lady, and very protective of young ladies, showed Helena to the front room, where she could rest. She then returned to the kitchen.

“So, Jacky (emphasis placed on ee)?” Mom snickered, trying to maintain her composure.

I glared. “That’s a name only Helena can use. No one else. A man might wind up with a puffy lip calling me that.”

“Very well, but don’t get mouthy with me, son. I’m still your Maw. I brought you into this world, and I can always take you out!” And I believe she could.

“Yes ma’am. Really, Mom, she is a great girl. I have already asked for her father’s permission to marry her. I just have to ask her.” I smiled a smile so big I thought my lips would crack. Mom hugged me.

“I knew it the moment you said hello to her your first day back!” Mom admitted. “I was hoping you would take a liking to her. She’s a wonderful woman. I know you will be happy together.” Having Mom’s blessing meant the world to me. I kissed her on top of her head. We talked for an hour or two longer, and then Helena was awake, and joined us.

“Any word from Doc or Paw?” She inquired.

“No word yet. Would you like me to go call?” Mom offered.

“Yes, please.” Then she turned to me and embraced me, crying. I wanted nothing more in my life than to protect her and to make sure she never felt any pain. I knew this was impossible, but I was willing to die trying.

Mom returned a few moments later. “Your mother is resting comfortably. They have managed to diminish the headache considerably. She does not seem to have diabetes, but Doc won’t know for sure until more test results are returned to him. Your father is with her now.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Mar... Rachel!”

“You are most welcome, my dear. Anything you need, ever, please don’t wait a second to call me. Now, are you hungry? I have plenty of extras waiting for someone hungry. I still cannot seem to cook for just two people.”

We both said together. “YES!”

A Love That Time Cannot Erase (#2 -  Eternal Love Series)Where stories live. Discover now