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Ravenswood was an American supernatural teen drama, mystery-thriller television series created by I. Marlene King, Oliver Goldstick and Joseph Dougherty. A spin-off of Pretty Little Liars, ABC Family green lit the series on March 26, 2013. It premiered on October 22, 2013, following the Pretty Little Liars Halloween episode. The series began filming on August 21, 2013, in New Orleans, Louisiana.

On February 14, 2014, it was announced that Ravenswood was canceled due to low ratings after only one season.

In June 2014, Marlene King stated that Ravenswood may come back for one more episode, which would be included in the 5th season of Pretty Little Liars. King also teased that Caleb would return to visit Miranda in Ravenswood during the 5th season of Pretty Little Liars. She also teased that other Ravenswood characters would appear during the same season. This did not occur; however, Mrs. Grunwald makes an appearance in the second half of the series' fifth season. As well as another in the first half of the shows final season.

When Caleb Rivers heads to Ravenswood, a town near his hometown, to help some friends who went there to crash a party, he meets kindred soul Miranda. Caleb and Miranda quickly become friends and he decides to stick around Ravenswood to help her out. But Caleb has second thoughts about his decision after meeting Raymond -- Miranda's cold, unwelcoming uncle -- and having unpleasant interactions with local Luke, who struggles to deal with a recent family tragedy and its subsequent scandal. But Caleb ultimately works with Miranda, Raymond, Luke and Luke's twin sister, Olivia, to dig into Ravenswood's dark past to investigate a curse that has plagued the town for generations.

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