The Returned is an American supernatural drama television series developed by Carlton Cuse as an adaptation of the 2012 French series Les Revenants, which was broadcast internationally as The Returned. The American adapted series follows residents in a small town whose lives are disrupted when people who have been dead for many years begin reappearing. Cuse wrote the pilot episode and executive produced the series alongside Raelle Tucker. The series premiered on March 9, 2015 and was cancelled by A&E after one season, on June 15, 2015, with no finale.
From executive producers Carlton Cuse ("Lost," "Bates Motel") and Raelle Tucker ("True Blood"), "The Returned" is set in a small town that is changed forever when a seemingly random collection of locals suddenly reappear. What they do not yet know is that they have been dead for several years, and of course no one is expecting them back. Families are reunited, and the lives of those who were left behind are challenged on a physical and emotional level, as both positive and detrimental consequences accompany the undead's arrival. "The Returned" is based on the popular, International Emmy-winning French suspense series adapted by Fabrice Gobert and inspired by the feature film "Les Revenants."
Those TV Series
Non-FictionYou know those tv series you loved and those you loved enough that ended up being canceled for more seasons. Which made you mad, and wishing it had been renewed for more seasons, maybe because of the plot, characters, celebrities starring in the sho...