Flashpoint is a Canadian police drama television series that debuted on July 11, 2008 on CTV. In the United States, the series originally aired on CBS, then aired on Ion Television; in the United Kingdom it aired on Universal Channel. The series was broadcast on the Canadian French-language network V in Quebec, having launched on March 9, 2009. The series was created by Mark Ellis and Stephanie Morgenstern and stars Hugh Dillon, Amy Jo Johnson, David Paetkau, Sergio Di Zio and Enrico Colantoni. It was announced January 25, 2011 that Ion Television had acquired all rights to the show held by CBS including the option to continue production. After the fourth season of Flashpoint concluded, a fifth season was ordered; starting to air in Canada in September 2012. On May 1, 2012, the producers announced that the fifth season would be the last of the series. The series finale aired on December 13, 2012.
Inspired by the real-life Emergency Task Force of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, this taut police drama chronicles the efforts of the Strategic Response Unit (SRU), an elite and highly skilled group of cops charged with rescuing hostages, defusing bombs and breaking up gangs. The series title comes from another part of their job, however: getting inside a suspect's head and discovering his emotional "flashpoint" that triggered the crisis in the first place.
Those TV Series
Non-FictionYou know those tv series you loved and those you loved enough that ended up being canceled for more seasons. Which made you mad, and wishing it had been renewed for more seasons, maybe because of the plot, characters, celebrities starring in the sho...