The Arrangement is an American drama television series airing on E!, and created by Jonathan Abrahams. A first trailer was released on May 16, 2016. The series premiered on March 5, 2017. On April 13, 2017, E! announced that it had renewed the series for a 10-episode second season.
Many Hollywood stars and starlets seem to have perfect lives, with loving partners on their arms as the A-listers walk down the red carpet. But there is often a darker side of celebrity, which is explored in this drama series. Actress Megan Morrison lands a Cinderella-esque date with movie star Kyle West while auditioning for her dream role. As the relationship progresses, she realizes it comes with a $10 million marriage contract and membership into Kyle's secretive self-help organization, The Institute of the Higher Mind, which has a retreatlike campus in Malibu. Kyle credits the institute -- and its creator, Terence, a close confidante -- with his success. Megan, though, has a mysterious past she is trying to keep hidden and has to decide how far she is willing to go to help launch her career.
Those TV Series
Non-FictionYou know those tv series you loved and those you loved enough that ended up being canceled for more seasons. Which made you mad, and wishing it had been renewed for more seasons, maybe because of the plot, characters, celebrities starring in the sho...